xlvix. destroyer of worlds

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xlvix. destroyer of worlds
– Randvi

          A PAINFUL RINGING echoed in Randvi's ears. There was a dull ache in her head, the world around her blurry and jittery as she forced her eyes open. She took barely a squint at her surroundings before letting her eyes flicker shut again. Everything ached, her joints felt stiff and she wanted nothing more than to sleep for an eternity.

Wake up, a voice inside her screamed.

Go back to sleep, her body begged.

Realisation flooded her at a painful speech. Randvi became aware of the cool stone slates beneath her body, the chill of the air, the silence, a painful sting in her side as she rolled over. She had to help Matthias and Jesper escape the ambush from the Dime Lions. They needed her.

She forced her eyes open, but she wasn't at the Black Veil.

Have I died? The room was pitch-black, the faintest white light shining through what Randvi could only have imagined to be a small window. Am I in hell? Her heart sunk at the thought. The room was empty and cold, only the sound of her breathing heard in the silence.

Then Randvi heard the heavy creaking of metal, light suddenly flooding the room. She shot to her feet, ignoring the aches of her body and the screams to rest. As far as she was aware, hell didn't have doors and lantern carrying men.

She was very much alive.

The glowing light of a lantern flooded the grey walled room. Through her squint she could make out two figures, one loitering besides the door and another making their way inside. As the world stopped spinning, Randvi could just about make out the mans features.

Almost white hair and the brightest blue eyes she'd ever seen. He was Fjerdan. Had he been sent here to kill her? Or to take her back to Fjerda? She wouldn't go back there, not alive.

Without sparing one more second to her fearful thoughts, Randvi made her attack. Strike first and strike hard. She knocked the lantern from the mans hand and pinned him to the exposed brick wall with all the strength she could muster. But, as she searched for the blade she kept attached to her belt, she was met with nothingness.

Panic set in.

Her hand roamed frantically for a weapon, for anything within arms reach to attack the stranger. Nothing. Instead she gripped the mans throat tightly. If she had to kill with her bare hands so be it, she only hoped the gods could forgive her.

"Sten! Pe ver perjenger daja Van Eck–" Randvi felt him gulp, but tightened her grip anyway. "Me jer jonink."

"I am no ones prisoner." She snarled back. "If you don't walk me out of this place right now so help me I'll kill you with my bare hands."

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