xv. a snake in the grass

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xi. a snake in the grass
– Kaz

THE MILITARY CAMP in Kribirsk was packed with First and Second Army soldiers, a stream of diplomats and officials seeking to see the sun summoner destroy the Fold running towards a skiff.

They were in for a shock, Kaz thought as he, Inej and Jesper made their way through the camp, following behind a Fjerdan diplomat. The Darkling was a man obsessed with vengeance and power, not the type of person to destroy an abomination that worked in his favour. With the sun summoner at his side, he'd be unstoppable.

Kaz did not care about right or wrong, nor did he debate the morals of what the Darkling was doing. Non of that concerned him, but what did concern him was finding a way to capture Alina and bring her back to Ketterdam for a million kruge, and his crow club.

He was not going to leave Ravka empty handed, and he had a plan.

The three crows arrived at the front of a queue near a skiff, a soldier sat behind a table checking over a diplomats documents. After Alina's escape from the Little Palace, and the few seconds the crows had managed to kidnap her, the extra security wasn't a surprise. The Darkling would not let his weapon be taken so easily.

There was a strange feeling hovering over the three crows, an off feeling that had been following them for days. Kaz knew exactly what it was. Someone was missing, a certain girl with a loud mouth and soot around her eyes.

Inej had been the one to mention her absence the most over the past few days.

"We should go and look for her." Inej had stated one afternoon after patching up a wound from a fight with an inferni.

Jesper had said the same thing, but every time Kaz ignored them. He'd used the excuses it's too risky, I have a plan, and we don't have time too often. Instead, he'd taken to ignoring their arguments all together.

They were not going back for Randvi.

If Randvi happened to find her way out of whatever mess she'd gotten herself in, and onto the skiff, Kaz wouldn't protest her presence, but he wasn't going in search of her.

He had known for some time that Randvi planned on betraying him, and although he did not yet have all the details, it was enough to break his trust. She had struck a deal, with Dressen, with a military leader, with a rival gang, he wasn't sure, but he knew it involved taking the prize for herself.

Kaz had been weak enough to tell himself he was being paranoid, that the girl who had helped him all those years ago would never have made a deal behind his back. He had blinded himself to the truth, and now he was paying the price.

Randvi had been acting her whole life, playing whatever role best suited her, and Kaz should have remembered that. She did not care for any of the crows, it was just a front she put on. Randvi was selfish, arrogant and ambitious. All the traits he saw in himself he saw in Randvi, only she lacked the one good trait Kaz possessed. Loyalty.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now