xlv. the gods cruelty

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xlv. the gods cruelty
– Randvi

          I AM RANDVI, The Tainted One, the girl with a power that could topple entire empires.

And I am not afraid.

Randvi repeated those words over and over, until her mind became a jumbled mess of words she didn't really mean. Perhaps she believed if she said the words for long enough, she may one day come to believe them. She wanted to be brave like Inej, fearless like Nina.


The words brought little comfort as she, Jakov, Kaz and Alys weaved their way through the winding streets of Ketterdam, crooked buildings stacked tightly against each other towering above them. Noon had come, but had it not been for the chiming of a clock somewhere in the distance, Randvi wouldn't have been able to tell.

A few minutes and we'll have Inej back, she told herself, the thought of Inej doing more to comfort her than false words of self belief.

As they moved towards the Goedmedbridge, the crowds parted around them, no doubt sensing the purpose Kaz unevenly walked with, the tap of his cane a signal of what may come. Randvi kept her head down the best she could, a cloak hood shadowing her features from the enemies before them.

It was her first time back on the streets of Ketterdam in what felt like a thousand lifetimes, and as Kaz had reminded her, she still had enemies and more than a dozen men who wanted her dead for even the simplest of things.

They came to a sudden halt at the beginning of the bridge. Ahead stood Van Eck, surrounded by guards dressed in the red-and-gold livery. Randvi could tell they were armed, hiding djel knew how many weapons under their coats.

Kaz nodded once to Van Eck. Barely a moment later Van Eck signalled to his men, who brought over a small hooded figure, hands and ankles shackled. Inej. Randvi melted at the sight of her.

"Thank the Saints she's alive," Jakov whistled quietly.

"Inej protected herself, the Saints did nothing," Kaz clapped back, turning his head to watch them. "You two stay back, wait until Inej is unshackled to move."

Randvi nodded once, letting go of Alys arm, flashing her the barest smile. "You're off home, back to your puppy and singing lessons." She gently lifted the hood from Alys head, fixing the plaits she's braided for her back in the crypt.

Alys wrinkled her nose. "I think Jan would be handsome, if he were not quite so old."

"Lucky for you, we live in a world where men can make up for being old by being rich."

"It would be nice if he were both young and rich."

"Why stop there? How about young, rich, and royal? Why settle for a merch when you could have a prince?"

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now