liv. linholmenn fe Djel

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liv. linholmenn fe Djel
the children of djel
– Randvi

"I THINK, IF I was reborn as something other than human, I'd be born as a moth," Randvi remarked absentmindedly.

"My father used to chase moths around with a broom in the evening. Is that really the life you want to live?" Jakov teased.

"I'd make sure to attack you as you tried to read peacefully in the candlelight," she nipped his skin gently with her hand.

A cascade of pink and orange decorated Ketterdam's skies. The sun twinkled on the horizon, slowly slipping away and letting the darkness take its place. Overhead, a flock of crows passed by, squawking and causing an ear sore. From the clocktower of the hotel, Randvi could see everywhere in Ketterdam.

She could make out the gentle rocking of boats on the canals, see the edge of the Barrel, the emerald green of Pekka Rollins' gambling den, the tourists flooding the harbour and being escorted away by smartly placed actors. If only she'd known about the view sooner, she'd have come to the clocktower every evening to watch the sunset.

"It doesn't matter where you are, the sunsets always look exactly the same." Jakov grinned. "It's strange, isn't it? I don't know why, but I'd always imagined they'd look different in different places."

Randvi just hummed, her cheek resting against Jakov's shoulder. Whilst Kaz and Nina ran an errand to prepare for Kuwei's auction at dawn, she and Jakov had stolen the blanket from Colm's bed and set up camp at the top of the clocktower, sitting on the cool stones, backs resting against the bricks.

If everything went wrong tomorrow, she wanted to witness the beauty of a sunset once more.

"You should see the sunsets in Noyvi Zem," a reminiscent smile creeped its way onto Jakov's lips. "The golden light that floods over the wheat fields, the dust that catches in the air. And it's warm enough that you don't need an extra layer, but not so warm you sweat through your clothes."

Her eyes flickered shut, trying to imagine the scene. Well, soon she wouldn't have to imagine it. If everything went to plan, Randvi would be out of Ketterdam in a matter of days with a farm waiting her. But, despite of the life awaiting her, she felt her heart ache at the idea of leaving the city and everyone she loved behind.

After all, what use was a farm with no one to help her maintain it? Eivor wouldn't be there. She had no family. She knew no one in Noyvi Zem. She would be alone once more.

"I know this is going to sound bad," she began, drawing the blanket further up her body to fight off the cold. "But a part of me doesn't want this to be over. I've been running my whole life, and as much as I hate this city I can't bare to be away from it. What if peace just isn't for me?"

"Then you can come back to Ketterdam. Nothing is set in stone."

"Then it would have all been for nothing."

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now