xliv. nations rise and fall

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xliv. nations rise and fall
– Kaz

THE MOON THAT night was bright white and scornful, much like Colm Fahey's expression had been back on the Black Veil. The cold nipped at their cheeks, their breath visible in the air. A cold snap had broken, and Randvi had never looked more at home.

Her nose had turned pink in the cold, her eyelashes coated in small droplets of rain, now frozen and ice like. But what Kaz noticed above all else was the new sense of life instilled into her. It were as though a spark of hope had ignited a fire inside her, and barely a moment went by where she didn't seem happy.

Or perhaps she's finally gone mad, Kaz thought.

The boat cut silently through the glistening water. Kaz felt his pistol resting against side, hidden under his coat. Jesper had his revolvers back at his hips, both he, Matthias and Randvi had rifles slung across their shoulders. But his warnings had been clear, don't shoot unless necessary.

His words had been intended more for Randvi than anyone else.

No one spoke as they reached the shore and disembarked. Kaz gestured for them to get to their positions. He and Randvi would enter from the North, Nina and Jesper from the East, Wylan and Matthias from the West. Kuwei had been left behind on the Black Veil with Rotty and Jakov.

Jakov's better off back at the Black Veil, he'd told Randvi, who'd just crossed her arms and given him a strange look. And he had been telling the truth, there was no one better than a tidemaker to protect Kuwei. But there was also another reason Kaz wanted Jakov to stay behind, one he couldn't quite put into words.

The walk north across the island was silent. Randvi slung the rifle off her shoulder, holding it with ease as they stepped past villa after villa, all empty and abandoned. Sometimes Kaz forgot Randvi was not the same lost girl that had saved his life in Ketterdam. She was brave, and good, and the best fighter he'd ever met.

She was in every inch a warrior, a leader, a queen – his queen. She could command an army just as she commanded his heart. One day he would tell her that.

One day.

Why not today?

"Randvi–" Kaz began.

A guard rounded the corner. Randvi must have been able to see through walls, as the moment he stepped into sight she struck him with the butt of her rifle, sending him to the floor with a thud.

She merely grinned, stepping over the guards limp body. "That was close, you almost had a bullet between your eyes." She teased and walked on.

Kaz hadn't noticed he was smiling until he caught his reflection in a window. His smile disappeared. He should have seen the guard coming a mile off. Trailing after her, Kaz kept his ears pricked for the footsteps of any approaching guards.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now