xi. the girl that made the light sing

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xi. the girl that made the light sing

THERE HAD ONLY been two times in Randvi's life she had ever been interested in learning her fate.

The first time had been her thirteenth birthday. For weeks her mother and brother had been hinting at a gift why'd bought her. Birthdays were the only occasion Randvi ever received gifts, and most of the time it would be nothing more than a small cake. It would have been nothing to anyone else, but for Randvi, a cake topped with walnuts and golden frosting was worth more than gold. She had been so desperate to learn about the gift, she had almost learnt her own fate.

The second time had been following her mothers death, when she'd been forced to run, and had been running ever since. She had been sat on the deck of a ship, leaning over the railings to stare into the almost jet black sea, a storm waging above. Her fingers traced the palm of her hand, her mind desperate to know whether something good awaited her, or whether she should just throw herself into the sea to drown, leaving behind the pain she'd suffered.

But, every time the same thing stopped her. Her mother's voice. Nothing good comes from knowing everything, once you get a taste of knowledge, you'll never get enough. Was it even possible for her to see her own fate? She wasn't sure, but she had never had the guts to try.

As Randvi stood at the bottom of a staircase in the dark, she found herself wanting to know what fate had in store. She wanted to know if she'd survive the night, what would become of the crows, and if she'd get her happily ever after.

Luckily, Inej had emerged at the base of the stairs, interrupting her thoughts. She had appeared without warning, her footsteps silent, and a guards uniform in hand.

"Kaz got the right size uniform this time, so let's hope it fits." Inej said with a soft laugh, pulling the hood from her cloak off her head.

Randvi couldn't muster the energy to reply, let alone laugh, so just stood in the dark, the weight of the world on her shoulders. So much could go wrong. Someone could recognise her, she could slip up her words, mess up her timings. She knew she'd mess up, she always did.

The feeling of eyes watching her became much more noticeable, and it was then she noticed Inej had been staring at her. If she was going to tell her some wise proverb, she wasn't in the mood to hear it.

"Go on, just say it and get it over with."

"You've scrubbed up well." Was all Inej said, a wide smile on her lips. That hadn't been what she was expecting.

"I look ridiculous."

"You look beautiful." Corrected Inej. "Although I think I prefer you with the soot around your eyes."

Randvi couldn't help but smile at that, a hand subconsciously travelling up to rub her eyes. The truth was she felt naked without the black soot around her eyes. She felt like a stranger, and she felt vulnerable. She could no longer hide behind the mask, she had to be herself. In a palace full of evil, she couldn't reply on the soot her mother had once said would always protect her.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now