xvii. the deal is the deal

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xvii. the deal is the deal
– Randvi

A GENTLE FROST had settled over the fields, coating the grass and leaves of trees in a sparkling white coat, making the world around look as though it were a sugar coated sweet. The winters chill nipped at Randvi's cheek, making them turn pink, and her breath was visible like a cloud of smoke.

Since escaping the fold, Randvi had slept in relative peace for the first time in days. She had rested her head back against Inej's legs, facing the fire to keep herself warm. When she'd first awoken to the frost covered landscape, she'd thought she were back in Fjerdan. The smell of burning wood, the harsh cold, and white as far as the eye could see.

She had thought she were a child again, and expected the legs she had rested against to be her mothers.

Randvi had yet to speak with Kaz. In fact, she had the feeling they had both been doing their best to avoid having to speak. She had not forgiven him, nor had she forgotten how he had abandoned her. She only wished he would catch her eye, at least once.

The fire in front of her flickered and spat away, the occasional spark landing on a piece of her clothing. She had been snapping small twigs, holding them against the fire and watching them ignite into flames. It was something she had done as a child to pass the time.

The group had been almost entirely silent since the events in the fold. Zoya, a squallor that had helped them break free from the fold on the skiff, had said barely a word. Inej sat in awe of Alina, and the pair spoke of Saint's and daggers.

Kaz appeared back at the small camp they'd made, handing a bag over to Jesper who then passed it towards Mal. Randvi tried to catch his gaze, praying he would spare her one glance, but he was too bust watching Inej to notice her.

It made her chest constrict, it felt as though the bitter cold around her had found its way inside of her body, fighting off whatever warmth she had felt.

"Step one of any good plan: a change of clothes. It's worked for me." Jesper nodded at Mal.

"Thank you," Mal replied.

Alina, with the help of Inej, stood up, drawing her cloak further around her body. She was still weak from the fight in the fold. Randvi took her cue to stand, taking a few steps towards Jesper and standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

"So .. will you still be trying to kidnap me?" Asked Alina, her voice uneasy.

There was a short silence, and out of instinct, Randvi gazed at Kaz. Would he really still be planning on kidnapping Alina? Even after she had saved their lives? She wasn't sure. Kaz had never been one for morals, or religion. Nothing stood between him and his beloved kruge.

"'course not." It was Jesper that replied, earning him a disapproving look from Kaz.

"Have you found religion too?" He spat.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now