xxxii. unlikely reunions

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xxxii. unlikely reunions
– Randvi

THE air was knocked from Randvi's lungs.

Her mind refused to believe her eyes. It couldn't be real, it had to be an illusion, a cruel trick. The boy stood before her was nothing more than another drüskelle, a boy she'd mistaken for her brother. After all, what had she done to deserve anything good in this world?

But it wasn't a trick, nor was it a dream. She felt as though if she dared breath again, the image before her would shatter and she'd wake up.

And then she was falling again, certain the moment she hit he ground some sense would be knocked into her. A hand caught her arm, catching her and holding her up. She could barely make sense of anything. The touch felt so alien and yet so comforting.

For the first time in a long time, she felt safe, and she felt whole.

"Eivor," She breathed out again, her voice raw, scared he would disappear if she didn't speak.


And there it was, a voice so familiar, a voice she'd thought she'd only ever hear again in dreams.

"Is it really you?" She asked, her voice timid. The world around her aligned, the blur of her vision vanishing. "This isn't a trick?"

He was just as she had remembered, only a little taller. His features were sharp, eyes the colour of ice and hair the colour of wheat. A long scar ran down one side of his face, a scar he'd received trying to protect her all those years ago.

Without any other words exchanged, Randvi pulled Eivor into her arms, holding onto him tightly, terrified if she let go he would vanish. She buried herself against him, warmth fighting away her shivers from the rain, safe in her brothers arms. There had been no goodbyes years ago, no last moments holding each other. For so long all she had wanted was to hold her brother again, to feel safe.

All at once, her dreams were coming true. Why?

"I thought I'd never see you again," She choked out, tears spilling from her eyes.

"I thought you were dead," He admitted with a sniffle. "When I sent you that letter and no reply came I ..."

"I'm here now."

"I failed you, Rúna." All too soon they parted, and Randvi stood silently, afraid she would wake up from her dream at any moment. "I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to you and I couldn't keep that promise. I should have followed you–"

"It doesn't matter," She shook her head fiercely, a smile crawling onto her lips. "Non of that matters."

Randvi wiped her eyes on the back of her sleeve. She couldn't wipe the smile off her lips, a smile so wide she thought it'd tear the edges of her mouth. Years of searching, years of feeling lost and broken had finally come to an end. She had found her brother, he was still alive, but most of all he had been thinking of her.

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