lvi. felöt-objer

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lvi. felöt-objer
– Randvi

IT WAS ALMOST impossible for Randvi to make her way through the pews of the church with all the screaming and stomping from the audience. The sound of the plague siren blaring through Ketterdam had struck fear into their hearts, but not Randvi. She had never known the plague, the destruction it had brought. Kaz had, she wondered what was whirring through his mind at the sound of the siren.

Randvi felt like she were trying to sail against the seas current, through a violent storm intent on seeing her sink. She had to meet Kaz and Matthias on the stage to help them with Kuwei, but her mind was on finding Eivor.

And then it struck her.

Kaz had not brought her to the Church of Barter to help carry out his scheme. He had brought her to find Eivor and her vengeance. He was finally giving her what she'd been robbed of so many times.

The boy with no heart had a heart after all.

A body collided with hers, sending both her and the stranger to the white tiled floor with a thud. Randvi felt her arm scratch against the rough wood of a pew. In an instant she was back on her feet, dagger in hand.

The stranger had knocked her from the crowd, out into a walkway at the end of the pews, the shawl that had shrouded her features discarded on the floor. Ahead she could see Kaz dealing with Kuwei, she could see Matthias. And there, standing just meters from her with a snarl on his face was the devil himself.

"Eivor," Randvi snarled, feeling the weight of the dagger in her hand.

"Rúna," Eivor said with a malicious grin, like a wolf hungry for blood. "We meet again."

Eivor stood in a fighting stance. He wore his drüskelle uniform proudly, a wolf pin decorating his collar, an array of daggers hanging from his belt.

"Tell me, does it lessen your guilt when you kill in a uniform?" she cocked her head, noticing the small step forwards Eivor took.

The ache of her gunshot wound suddenly became unbearable. She'd barely had the chance to rest and recover, nor the supplies or time to treat herself. As much as she wanted to believe she was the best fighter this side of Ketterdam, in her current state a fight against Eivor was suicide.

"I kill in the name of Djel and for a greater cause. As much as you may hate it, that's what unites us, sister."

Randvi lunged forwards with a shout, throwing herself at Eivor. Her dagger sliced through the air, narrowly missing him. She barely kept her footing, coming to a stop against the stone walls of the church. Eivor just stood with a grin, as though he'd planned out every moment of their fight. Sister. He was taunting her, using her recklessness and rashness to his advantage.

A SEER'S SOLACE ,  KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now