x. one step forwards, two steps back

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x. one step forwards, two steps back
— Randvi

AS A CHILD, Randvi had been told stories about Ravka's capital, and the palaces within the city's walls laced with marble, hanging gold ornaments dripping from every inch of its walls. In the stories, it had always sounded so majestic and mythical, but behind its beauty lay an ugly truth. The palaces dripped with excess, a symbol of a royal and Grisha greed. Whilst the rest of Ravka starved, Grisha lounged on fluffy chairs eating until they were sick.

The roads leading up to the Little Palace were lined with wagons and performers, the sound of wheels bumping against cobbled streets and the shouts of guards echoing down the road. It seemed unfair how the royals were hosting a fete whilst the rest of the country was being torn to shreads from a war they wanted no part in.

Randvi leaned against Marko's red wagon at the gates to the Palace, her arms wrapped around her body, staring at her breath as it crystallised in the cold air. The winters in Ravka and Kerch were nothing compared to Fjerda, but still the cold nipped at her cheeks, making them flush pink.

A guard holding their entry papers flicked them over several times, either in confusion, or as an act of extra security. Although, the security couldn't have been that good if three criminals had managed to sneak into a performance group. It were as though Ravka was begging for their sun summoner to be stolen.

"This one is our invitation to perform, signed by the Queen." Marko stated proudly, pointing to one of the papers in the guards hands.

The guard, however, did not share the same enthusiasm, and instead stared at Marko in irritation. With a deep, exhausted sigh, the guard passed the papers back to Marko, casting a suspicious look over the group.

"This writ allows you access to the grounds, the main ballroom, and nowhere else. You are being employed by the Queen. You are not her guests."

"I'd rather not be her guest." Randvi heard Inej mumble and roll her eyes.

Just as Randvi let out a laugh, the guard from earlier appeared in front of her, his face still as stern as before.

"You are to stay together as a group at all times. No guns. No knives, no weapons of any kind." Great, she'd only just received a bow and already she'd have to give it up. Although something about the look Jesper gave Inej made Randvi think neither were planning on giving up their weapons. "Punishment for violation of these rules ranges from being fired to be fired upon. Now, do we all understand these rules?"

A sudden burst of shouting sounded from behind the guards back. The group all looked towards the wagon behind, and noticed a man crawling underneath it, only to be pulled out by another guard.

"Oh for Saint's sake."

"The sun summoner!" The man panted. "I just want to see her!"

As the man made to run towards them and the gates, he was cut off by a larger group of guards. One of them pushed the barrel of his rifle to his stomach, making him groan and fall to the floor, only to be dragged back onto his feet by another two guards.

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