Chapter 26- Dont leave us just yet!

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"Come on Maya!" Dr.Choi says as he does CPR on Maya
"Stay with us!" Casey shouts
Your probably wondering how we got here and let me tell you it was a wild ride
*3 Hours earlier*
Everyone is shocked to see that squad has just collided with a wall. Everyone runs over and can see Capp and Cruz sitting up
"You guys okay?" Kelly asks
"Yeah" Cruz says rubbing his head
"I'm good!" Capp says
Meanwhile Casey is trying to get Mayas door open
"She's banged up pretty bad Luitenent" Cruz says looking at Maya
Casey still can't get the door opened
"She's pinned in!" Casey says
"We'll get her out!" Kelly says
Boden then arrives on scene
"There sending an additional squad out! What have we got!" Chief shouts as he gets out of his car
"Mayas pinned in pretty tight! Cruz and Capp are fine! And Tony has a suspected broken leg but he is awake!" Kelly says
"What's Mayas condition?" Boden asks walking over
"She's unconscious and her pulse is barley there! She has a laceration to her head and is bleeding heavily!" Kelly says
"Okay! Get Tony out as his door isn't as pinned in as Mayas!" Chief says as they all run over and get Tony out
Squad 4 has arrived along with truck 66 and they all run out
"What have we got?"  Squad 4s Luitenent asks
"One of our firefighters! Captain Avery! She's pinned in pretty bad with a very weak pulse!" Boden says as he is interrupted by Kelly
"There's not pulse chief! We need to get her out now!" Kelly shouts
Matt can feel his heart drop so much that he backs away from the scene and sits on the sidewalk. As it is so busy no one has noticed him so he is left alone with his thoughts. After ages of trying they finally get Maya out. They lay her down on the stretcher and the paramedics do their work
"We need to intubate her!" The paramedic says
"Got it!" The other one says as she grabs the tube
They intubate Maya and pump slow breaths into her via the tube. She is deteriorating fast so they need to get her to med ASAP. They load her up into the back of the ambo and drive off. Maya codes in the ambo and is given 1 round of epi. 5 minutes later they arrive at med and Dr.Choi is preforming CPR on Maya...

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