Chapter 38- The CFD Galla

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Casey smiles at Maya as he gets up onto the stage followed by Kelly. Maya steps back giving them space to talk into the mic.
"Um wow! I don't know what to say! This is crazy!" Casey says genuinely shocked
"What he means to say is thank you to everyone who has worked with us to help us become who we are today!" Kelly says smiling
"We couldn't have done it without the help of our wonderful friend and chief Wallace Boden! He has stuck by us so many times and backed us up in any battle we chose to fight!" Casey says as Boden raises his glass as them
"But most importantly we owe this to Captain Maya Avery! She has helped us grow so much over the past year and without her help I doubt we would be here tonight! She has helped us become better firefighters as a whole and she deserves the whole world for that! Anyone would be lucky to work at firehouse 51 but would be even luckier to work alongside Captain Avery!" Kelly says smiling
"Thank you!" Maya mouths to Casey and Kelly
Kelly and Casey walk off followed by Maya and the commissioner walks up onto the stage
"What a lovely speech! But whilst we're on the topic of Captain Avery! I asked her a few weeks ago if she was interested in taking the chiefs test and she was so surprised that I had asked her! From being in the CFD for only i short time I have recognised that she would do anything to help a stranger in a fire!" Grissom says
"What is he doing?" Maya asks
"No clue!" Casey says whilst smirking a little
"Which is why it is my pleasure to announce for the very first time Chief Avery!" Grissom says as Mayas jaw drops
Casey smiles at her
"Oh my god! I passed!" Maya says enthusiastically
"Go on! Get up there Chief!" Casey says smiling
Maya walks up onto the stage
"I guess I'm back! I honestly can't believe it! I never thought I would pass it!" Maya says smiling
"But I couldn't have done it without the help of everyone at firehouse 51! Before I came here I was at the lowest point in my life and thought about quitting the CFD! But after moving to 51 and being surrounded by all of them just lifted me up! They are like a family there and will always put there neck on the line for anyone who needs it! So I guess what I'm saying is thank you! For everything you guys have done for me!" Maya says as the whole of 51 cheers

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