Chapter 30- Was it the right Decision?

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The whole of 51 is gathered in Mayas hospital room and Casey is sat next to her holding her hand. Dr.Choi then walks in to get the final decision
"Have you made a decision yet?" Dr.Choi asks
"I have! I'm going to take her off life support" Casey says as everyone is shocked
"Are you sure?" Kelly asks
"It's the only way" Casey says looking at the ground
Dr.Choi walks over and turns the machine off and takes the tube out of her mouth. Everyone's eyes look at the monitor which is flatlined
"No Casey! Turn it back on!" Kelly shouts
"We can't loose her!" Kelly says with tears in his eyes
Kelly goes to run over but Boden holds him back
"Don't! It's already hard enough for Casey" Boden whispers
"I think we should call it" Dr.Choi says
Casey nods his head slowly
"Time of" Dr.Choi says before he is interrupted by the monitor beeping
Everyone looks at the monitor with a little bit of hope in their eyes
"She's breathing!" Dr.Choi says checking for pulse
Kelly let's out a sigh of relief and Dr.Choi walks out
"How could you do this!" Kelly shouts
"Do what?" Casey replies
"Turn her life support off knowing fine well she wanted to live! Maya wanted to have kids and grow old with you! She wanted to see you become a captain like her! And you were gonna throw that all away from her!" Kelly shouts
"I didn't have a choice! She's in pain Kelly! Maybe she didn't want to fight anymore!" Casey shouts
"So you were gonna kill her? Then what? Run back to Dawson and marry her again? Have Mayas kids with her because Maya can't have kids?" Kelly says getting closer to Casey
"Don't you dare ever say that! I would never do that! I love Maya with every bone in my body! She's my rock!" Casey says as he turns his head around shocked
"What?" Herrmann asks
"She squeezed my hand! She can hear us!" Casey says relieved
"And she's probably not happy about you two fighting! So give it a rest!" Boden says
"Yeah! She's been through enough! She doesn't need her husband and her best friend fighting!" Mouch adds
"Yeah.." Kelly says looking at Maya lying on the hospital bed
It's later that night and everyone has gone home apart from Kelly and Casey. They are sitting at both sides next to Maya. Kelly is holding her left hand and Casey is holding her right. They watch her until they finally fall asleep.

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