Chapter 63 - Diagnosed

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*TW: This chapter contains Anxiety*
It's the next morning and Casey knows that something isn't right with Maya
"You okay?" Casey says as he pours Maya a cup of coffee
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" Maya says as she smiles
"Okay...You ready?" Casey asks
"Yeah let's go!" Maya says as she grabs her things
They then drive to the firehouse
"Morning Chief!" Cruz says
"Morning" Maya says as she walks past
Maya then walks into her office and starts on some paperwork. Dr.Charles then appears at the door
"Maya!" He says
"Dr.Charles! How can I help?" Maya asks
Just as he can reply
"All units, House fire, Gatehill Mansions" The intercom says
"Sorry I've gotta run" Maya says as she gets up and runs out
She hops into her car and drives to the scene alongside 51
"Okay looks like a big one" Maya says as she arrives on scene
Maya then gets out her car to see a 4 story mansion on fire and spreading fast. There is reports of a millionaire and his family trapped inside
"Okay listen up! There is a family stuck inside! A mom, a dad and their 3 kids! I want them found! Squad 3 and truck 81 do a secondary search and engine get those hoses ready for when everyone is out!" Maya shouts
"Copy that!" They all shout before suiting up and running in
They have been in 10 minutes and no one has said anything. This is when Maya starts to panic. Her heart rate spikes again and thoughts are racing through her head
*Mayas thoughts*
"Why is my heart rate going so fast!"
"What if they don't come out?! And I've killed them all!"
"I can't loose anymore! Then I'll let everyone down!"
"What if I'm not cut out to be a chief!? Boden would never let anything happen to 51! Why did he pick me! I'm obviously not good enough"
"Breath! Maya! Please don't let yourself down here!"
*Present day*
Maya then snaps out of it to notice that her hands are shaking and she is breathing really fast. She looks up to notice that everyone is out and she lets out a sigh of relief
"The fires out chief!" Casey shouts
"Copy that" Maya says
Maya then heads back to her car to notice that Dr.Charles seen everything
"Why don't you come down to the hospital for a little chat?" Daniel asks
"Yeah okay" Maya says as she hops in her car and drives to the hospital
She walks up to his office and sits down
"I have been looking at you closely and from what I've seen today, I think you might have anxiety Maya" Dr.Charles says
"What?!" Maya replies shocked
*Authors Note*
I'm so nervous to post this! I want to spread awareness about anxiety and how it effects everyone is different ways! I've done some research on it and think I've got everything right! But if I've not I'm so sorry! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter...Lauren

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