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The room felt hot, suffocating even

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The room felt hot, suffocating even. Though the steam and sweat dripping down his forehead was replaced with the pleasure of even staring at what was in front of him, because god was it a sight to see. He couldn't handle it, he wanted to devour what ever was in front of him instantly.

He smirks as he runs his fingers past his hair locks, finding it almost irresistible to sit in place.

"Younghoon, stop staring at the food like that as if you are screwing it or something"

"cock blocker" Younghoon snickered before digging into the food, meanwhile Chanhee kept watch by the door to make sure nobody dared to come in, not even his brother. He thought sneaking out to go to Younghoon's was bad, well now he just did something far worse. He sneaked the latter in his room, and even sneaked in some food his mother had made for a little get together.

A little get together where she practically invites the whole town, well except for Younghoon's family. Because of course she wouldn't want to be by parents who didn't 'raise their son right'. But when Younghoon called him, saying he was hungry Chanhee couldn't just refuse. Because the male was right outside his window when he called him, so he basically had to let him in even if he was absolutely terrified at the thought of one of his parents entering.

He was surprised he was let go so easily for the outbreak with his mom, but this for sure wouldn't be set aside when he has a boy alone in his room without his parent's even having knowledge of it and that boy daring to be Kim Younghoon.

" Woah this is crazy good- you think you can bring me some to school? " the answer should be no, but with a little lying to his mom he was sure he could bring some. "if there's pay then yeah"

"how about my love and affection?"

"then I'd need the gift receipt" Younghoon rolled his eyes as he took the final bite out of the food, already feeling dizzy on how fast he had eaten the food, but he knew Chanhee was about to jump out of his seat every time they heard so much as a creek so he tried his best to fasten the pace to make him less anxious.

"well, I'm done so no need to piss your pants. But remember, we still got plans later on right?"

"mhm" Perhaps he forgot. Younghoon passed that stupid exam.

Younghoon paced around the hall away, hands feeling awfully sweaty as he tried to calm himself down. Tried. Though it was hard when he didn't have the only source of calmness in his veins. He was proud, for once he didn't rely on the toxic injection anymore, even if it was so tempting.

But somehow acing this test the correct way was the number one goal of Younghoon's day. He won't cheat, that's like throwing away Chanhee's time when he could have been helping himself. And he won't use Xanax, as addicting as that word is.

"Calm down hoon, it's only segment one" Changmin tried to reinsure his cousin, smoothing his hand on his back despite him being almost as nervous himself. But, he knows how anxious Younghoon gets during these times— even if he had just came to school this year, he's heard from his friends.

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