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" I don't know why you're doing all of this" Haknyeon stares in pure shock once opening the door to see Sunwoo standing with a bouquet of flowers

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" I don't know why you're doing all of this" Haknyeon stares in pure shock once opening the door to see Sunwoo standing with a bouquet of flowers. His eyes filled with worry--scared in the inside since even if he rehearsed his speech five hundred times, it still didn't feel like enough.

Nothing did, and even if Haknyeon didn't expect for Sunwoo to take this argument seriously he could tell just by the look on his eyes. "I'm here to apologize, I should have never texted her, I don't like her I Promise and I know I'm not good at doing romantic stuff and I don't post you often but trust me I do really love yo-"

"Sunwoo, shut up" although hearing the younger blabbering non stop was cute, the fact that he was blaming himself for the whole fight didn't sit right with Haknyeon. It wasn't Sunwoo's fault, and although he does wish for him to post about him he understands Sunwoo doesn't mean any harm.

"You did nothing wrong, now come in big dummy. My moms home and she just cooked dinner" Sunwoo could smell Haknyeon mother's cooking from a mile away, It reminded him just like his moms even if he can only briefly remember her. The thought always scared him, how if It weren't for pictures and videos he'll probably not remember even an inch of her.

Without her home doesn't feel like home, that is until he's with Haknyeon. He's never felt this way for a boy, or anyone as a matter of fact. He's never felt the weird sensation in the pit of his stomach yet every time he's with Haknyeon it's when it most kicks in.

The way every single word that rolls of his tongue can easily make Sunwoo fall deeper for him. Yes it scared him, but times like this when he's with Haknyeon and his family made all the worry go away. It was like their worlds collided together, both missing a parent but yet that didn't seem to matter anymore.

"Hey bud" Sunwoo smiled as he fist bumped Haknyeon's little brother. "You have to remember to tell me when you have your next tap recital so I can come"

"Psh, he barely lets me come"

"Well Sunwoo's cooler" his brother admits, and oh Haknyeon has never wanted to punch a child so bad especially with the smirk plastered on the tanned boy's lips. Sunwoo and his brother were almost like best friends, every time Sunwoo would come over he would play Roblox and legos with him meanwhile Haknyeon did his homework..

Everything just seemed perfect, he just hopes this all doesn't go away.

"Hey Sunwoo!" Haknyeon's mom comes storming out the kitchen, planting a soft and gentle kiss on the younger's forehead. Haknyeon's mother treated Sunwoo like her own son, even if it did seem weird considering that her real son and him were dating.

The three of them sit themselves at the dinning table, letting the smell consume in their nostrils before digging in. "I'm going to visit your aunt tomorrow So I won't be home, but please Haknyeon don't throw a party this time.

"Can't promise anything"

That party brought nightmares, yet he didn't regret it because after all, he got close to the idiot beside him.

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