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Chanhee felt as if his heart was going to explode. Especially when seeing his clothes already packed in his suitcase, and soon a moving truck was going to be driven into the apartment parking lot. Chanhee always saw himself as someone who had much knowledge on doing stuff himself. Sangyeon took care of him his whole life, but when high school hit and Sangyeon was studying abroad he had to go through hell by himself.

He likes to say it makes him stronger now, having to survive without his older brother pampering him. But at least he won't have to go through this alone anymore, doesn't have to be alone in his room in pitch silence. Because he'll have Younghoon right next to him. Gosh how that made Chanhee's stomach swarm with butterflies.

Younghoon is everything he ever wanted, even if he didn't know what he wanted before. But as soon as his lips touched his, the scattered puzzle pieces finally came to place. Piece by piece he understood now. Understood that maybe life isn't always about crappy parents and a messed up mental state. Maybe he can have someone who actually loves him.

"are you ready?" Sangyeon smiles happily at him, Hyunjae beside him since he had recently moved in. Was Chanhee truly ready? He himself didn't even know that answer. He doesn't know how he'll survive without his friends, without his brother who he had began to feel so attached to again.

He always fascinated about the idea of running away with the person he loves though now he's utterly terrified. How he'll have to leave everything behind, even If he knows maybe mentally this will be the best option he has. Everywhere he goes he can picture a vivid memory he doesn't want to encounter again. So even if he knows he's not one hundred percent ready, he'll have to say

"I think?"

"the rest should be here soon, but in the meantime, how about we go get something to eat?"


" I just don't know why you're getting mad" Sunwoo sighed in frustration, struggling to slip on his shoes in a fast matter since the boy by the door frame was already on his ass. Haknyeon seemed weirder than usual. He had slept over and even last night he was a bit tense, but now his whole behavior seemed off and Sunwoo can't wrap it around his finger.

"Because we're going to be late, and if we're late I won't have enough time to tell my best friend goodbye. he's already leaving me so-" Bingo, Sunwoo knew now. It all connected, his best friend is going away for college and as the days came by quicker and quicker, the more out of the ordinary Haknyeon was.

Sunwoo took a deep sigh, successfully putting on his shoes before pulling Haknyeon to sit next to him on his bed. He could notice the look of devastation on his boyfriends eyes, how he would occasionally gulp with his eyes prickling from his incoming tears.

Sunwoo quickly wrapped his arms around Haknyeon's waist- the older's hands instantly snaking around his neck. Sunwoo kept the older close, not letting go until Haknyeon was ready as he planted light and gentle kisses on his neck. Sunwoo can smell his strawberry scent, a small smile forming on his lips while he snuggled Haknyeon closer to him.

"You'll have time to see him love, you guys can always FaceTime too okay? I'll even drive you there" Haknyeon removed his head from his shoulder, his red eyes meeting with Sunwoo's sincere and loving eyes. Gosh Sunwoo really loves him. He would do anything if it meant making the male in front of him happy.

"It won't be the same..."

"I know it won't be baby, but your friendship is strong. You guys will make it. " Haknyeon paused and just stared at him, sniffs escaping as he struggles to let out what he's thinking.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Sunwoo grins ear to ear, pulling Haknyeon by the waist where their lips seal together, molding well as the both of them couldn't help but to smile. But they were soon interrputed with a knock on the door frame.

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