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"I'm worried about Younghoon" Sangyeon sighs, head facing the ceiling with drips of sweat running down both his and Hyunjae's foreheads

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"I'm worried about Younghoon" Sangyeon sighs, head facing the ceiling with drips of sweat running down both his and Hyunjae's foreheads.

"Since when were you guys so close?"

"Since the party, actually" ever since the memorable night, Younghoon and him have been keeping in touch. But somehow, ever since the night before where he saw the younger unexpectedly at his front door steps, his mind couldn't help but to wonder why he said he couldn't be home.

What if he needed someone to talk to? And all he did was brush it off and play games. It was an attempt to help distract him, but what if he didn't need one? What if he needed to let something out? Though it seemed too late once he saw him leave out his door, Chanhee along side. Maybe Chanhee talked to him, but he just hopes Younghoon isn't in a toxic environment right now.

He explains everything to Hyunjae, who's heart can only break a little with seeing the older so thoughtful and vulnerable to someone he barely knows.  He grew up with the kid, yes but some people aren't the same as how they were when they were younger.

"hey, don't over think it love. He's probably over at Sunwoo's, you didn't want to talk about it in front of everyone there and i'm sure he understands. Just hug me now cause I feel like shit" Sangyeon smiles as he wrapped his arms tightly onto his waist, Hyunjae's arms snaked around his neck where he could smell his mango shampoo. That is probably one of the million things that he loves about Sangyeon.

He loves being held tightly by him, loves any type of affection since he knows even just a little meant a lot when it came to Sangyeon giving it. He knows how scared he is, but sometimes he just can't wait any longer to call him his. He was scared someone else will manage to win his heart before he could be with him and it was eating him inside.

He wanted to stay like this forever, with the rain hitting the foggy window harshly and being in each others arms despite the scattered clothes everywhere. Was it too much to ask? To stay like this? Was he being too selfish?

he was scared Sangyeon would start losing feelings but he tried to remind himself that this was for their own good. Sangyeon needed to be sure before committing, and Hyunjae knows that if he's not one hundred percent ready then it'll hurt him in the mix.

Sangyeon could feel the hot drops of water fall onto his shoulder. He quickly pulls Hyunjae to look at his face, and oh how the scene broke him into pieces. More tears were falling down though Hyunjae tried to surpass it with a small smile even when knowing that Sangyeon clearly is noticing his eyes getting redder and redder, burning from the tears.

He didn't know what had gotten into him, but he's just scared. He was always the type to be love sick, and now it's scaring him. Sangyeon leaving him was a thought that never left his mind and thinking about it today with his arms wrapped around him hurt even more.

"Whats wrong baby?" Baby. He had a love and hate relationship with it. He loved how it rolled off his tongue so perfectly, but he hated that it can all go away. "I just- what if this all goes away?"

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