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"So you're telling me that you're meeting his dad? Damn, you guys are at that stage?" Haknyeon and everyone else sat at the table far in the back of the cafeteria were surprised to even hear that the two were dating, so it was even more shocking t...

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"So you're telling me that you're meeting his dad? Damn, you guys are at that stage?" Haknyeon and everyone else sat at the table far in the back of the cafeteria were surprised to even hear that the two were dating, so it was even more shocking that just in a few hours Chanhee will be meeting the man who raised Younghoon.

Was he beyond terrified? Hell yes. Just thinking about the nerve racking situation he will be put in already gave him goosebumps, not to mention that the mood he woke up in this morning was definitely not the mood he will be able to show when meeting his dad. But, to his stance his parents had came home and woke him up abruptly, as if he didn't have about fifteen minutes left remaining on his alarm clock.

So yeah, his tired eyes and his drained energy didn't go unnoticed by his friends nor his now blonde boyfriend who was sitting at the table beside there's, and though he so badly wanted to take the spot next to him he knew he couldn't let suspicions raise. he knew how much people liked to talk.

The word boyfriend still felt weird but Chanhee had to get used to it because he was sure that word will be everywhere he goes from now on. He never envisioned himself having to refer to someone as his boyfriend, and though it felt weird he was just glad his first was Younghoon.

He wrapped his hands around the cold aluminum can, letting the drops of water hit his finger tips. He had to waste his last two dollars just for a can of coke, so he made sure to drink it in a slow pace and savor every last bit of it especially since lately thats all what people have been getting.

"Yep, nervous though" Upon hearing the bag of potato chips rip with a chip flying out, Chanhee threw one directly to his mouth.

"Is he a dilf?" Hyunjae whispered as he brought his face closer so the older didn't hear though his so called whispering wasn't such a whisper to Sangyeon--earning a slap on the shoulder.

"What? Changmin, you've seen him. Is he a dilf?" A stupid question, but to Hyunjae it mattered more than the subject itself. For what reason? Scientific reasons and Hyunjae shall not disclose anything else.

"Dumbass, thats my uncle. Why would I Call him a dilf?"

"You guys literally suck ass jeez, why am I hanging around a bunch of losers? Not you Sangyeon. Remember when I took you guys to target? And this is how I get repaid? Homophobic hoes."

"Hyunjae, just eat please."


"there really isn't a reason to be nervous love, like I said he already loves you" Younghoon's comforting words weren't so helpful to Chanhee's anxious state no matter the amount of times he tried to calm himself down by simply trying to distract himself with drawing random shapes on the fogged up windows of Younghoon's jeep.

The winter air was still very present, but Chanhee didn't mind the nostalgic feeling it brings to him. Despite practically getting frostbite, times like this definitely had to be his favorite no matter how many times Younghoon argued saying spring was the best. Just that simple statement made Chanhee want to drop him faster than his brother did when he was just a baby.

That story never got old, how two year old Sangyeon cried himself to sleep owing to the fact that he had dropped his baby brother face front to the floor. He thought he could do it-- after all he had watched his mother do it all the time. But his life flashed before his eyes as soon as he felt his sticky hands slipping.

"What did you tell him?" Chanhee felt as Younghoon's cold hands reach to his, warming into the touch since it was basically freezing outside. Younghoon parked right in front of the house only a couple of minutes away from school, and the house was just like what he remembered.

Younghoon birthday bashes never got old in this house, every single inch of it brought back memories. Younghoon turned over to the younger with a warm smile forming onto his slightly quivering lips. The heater was for sure not functioning well.

"I literally just had to tell him who you were and he already adores you, now come on. And no overthinking, it'll be okay I'm here"

Chanhee hesitantly takes steps onto the concrete floor as they got closer and closer to the main entrance door. But before they could knock, the door was already swung open by the owner and the male Chanhee oddly dreaded to see.

He probably thinks he will meet middle school Chanhee, but now he had gotten older and what if he's not the same person Younghoon's dad hoped he was? People change over time, and his mind couldn't help but fill with the possibilities and the what if's of this situation.But he tried to follow what Younghoon said, 'don't overthink it'

"Come in! ah, its been so long Chanhee. " The cold air entered the warmed up house as soon as the door swung open, yet the hot fire place just a few feet away from them managed to make it all go away once they entered the house.

The house was just how Chanhee remembered, just With the furniture obviously moved around so it wasn't one hundred precent the same. His eyes trace off to Younghoon's dad, who's smile never left his face as he Brought the blonde boy into a hug. It did surprise him though for him it was like a score.

"You grew up so much from the last time I remembered you. I'm actually glad you and younghoon actually got together, You guys were always so close when you guys were younger, always running around. Sunwoo, Dongju and Lucas too. But now here we are, Younghoon finally had the guts to confess"


Younghoon's father let out a small chuckle while he brought the both of them a glass of water and some snacks mean while the food was still cooking. "You did a good job dying Hoon's hair, it turned out nice" It was't awkward, and somehow the nerves in Chanhee managed to calm down and he didn't have to constantly pick on the ring placed on his slim fingers.

The laughs that filled the room felt so euphoric to the both of them, how at least they had one parent who actually supports. How maybe it's just not only the two of them in this together. They could almost do what all couples do, only with certain things crossed out as much as it aggravated and angered the both of them.

Younghoon just wished he could do what ever the hell he wants with the special boy by his side but that didn't seem to be the case for their town. Their yearning touch and being able to say sweet stuff on school grounds was something the two teenage boys could only imagine and manifest.

Life isn't always necessarily fair to any teenager, but that doesn't really matter to them as long as neither of them are alone.

Chanhee has Sangyeon, Jaehwan, Hyunjoon, Haknyeon, Hyunjae, Changmin, Juyeon Younghoon and his friends. Really, thats all he needs. Even if it can get lonely at times. But times with them don't seem so bad.

Even if Younghoon and them can be a handful


Double update just because

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