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"Younghoon- that's not how you do it"

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"Younghoon- that's not how you do it"

"Then how do you do if?" Chanhee rolled his eyes before snatching the computer from his grip, scrolling through the university website and exiting out the random tabs Younghoon had accidentally made since he got frustrated with what ever he was doing.

"See, you can't do it yourself"

"Shut up, I'm figuring this out" Yeah school fricking sucks. Even now being a senior, you would expect school to be a little easier. Well yeah but colleges and schoolerships were a pain in the ass. Especially since Sangyeon who had already graduated, wasnt there to help him since he went away on a trip. With Hyunjae. Chanhees invite? Lost in the mail.

Ironic since Chanhee was the one who recommended the place, only to find out the next day that Sangyeon was already planning on what to bring to the trip not to mention Hyunjae blabbering about it with every chance he got.

'I'm going to take such cute pictures'

'I'll bring you guys a little something'

'I need this vacation from you guys'

Psh, but Chanhee didn't need that stupid vacation anyways. He's now with Younghoon doing this stupid complicated School scholarship thingy. But this was important, because if they didn't at least try they wouldn't get into the same university and that is the plan for the both of them. Get into the university, buy an apartment for the both of them and potentially have at least a pet fish.

That is if Younghoon doesn't over feed them or forget to change the water from the tank. Because after hearing his pet fish stories from when he was younger, he doesn't even sound so trust worthy now. Even if Chanhees three dogs have ran away before. Nugget was always his favorite.

"I really don't feel like doing this"

"Well Younghoon, you're lucky they're giving you a second chance. Your past test scores... but hey, at least you got your life back on track" Chanhee slightly patted Younghoon in the shoulder, inverting his focus back on the computer where he was making sure that the school had gotten their easy submission they may or may not have kinda copied from each other?

Well more like sharing out ideas. They just hoped the school wouldn't notice or they're both screwed. To be fair, they were far too out of it to even start the introduction paragraph, let alone a whole 1,000 word essay on why they should get a scholarship they weren't even sure why they should get it.

"So close to being a drop out" Younghoon throws his body back, grabbing Chanhee's hand where he held it with his while playing with his fingers.

"At least we graduate soon, and I'm positive we'll get in. We just...need to be positive? I really don't know"

"Positive my ass, come here" Younghoon made grabby hands at Chanhee, attempting to bring him closer though failing since the blonde quickly pushed him away.

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