You/Kirari Momobami - Sick

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Despite feeling like absolute shit, you still forced yourself to get out of bed and get ready for Kirari's event

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Despite feeling like absolute shit, you still forced yourself to get out of bed and get ready for Kirari's event. It was an important event for your girlfriend and you weren't going to miss it because you had a little fever.

It takes you twice as long for you to get ready but you eventually finish a couple of minutes before Kirari is set to arrive to pick you up.

"You look absolutely beautiful, love. These are for you."

She leans in to kiss you after you hand her the flowers but you turn at the last second so she kissed your cheek.

"Thank you, 'Rari. You look gorgeous. Just give me a second to put these on a vase."

Kirari narrows her eyes at you as she watches you walk down to your kitchen. It stung that you had avoided her kiss. There was something off about you but she couldn't quite place what it was.

"Did I do something wrong?"

She asks when the two of you are finally in the car.


"You avoided my kiss. Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?"

The car was already feeling hot but now that you were getting called out, it just felt hotter.

"Is it me or does it feel a little hot in here?"

Kirari watches as you tell the driver to make it colder. She couldn't understand how you could be feeling hot when it was freezing outside. Thankfully, she decided to wear a suit so she wasn't feeling the cold air.

"It's freezing outside. How are you not cold?"

You shrug your shoulders as you look outside. Kirari could always spot a lie from a mile away and it didn't help that you couldn't tell a lie to save your life.

"Darling, what is going on? You're acting strange. Almost like.....are you sick? Is that why you didn't want to kiss me and why you suddenly feel hot?"

"What? No! Of course not!"

"No? Then what's going on?"

Thankfully, you arrive before you get a chance to answer. The door is opened for the two of you and you quickly get out to avoid being questioned again.


Kirari had wanted to continue asking about what was going on but she lost sight of you in the crowd. There was too many people wanting to talk to the two of you so neither of you had a moment for yourselves.

Just as she's finally left alone, there's a several gasps coming from somewhere in the room. She pushes people aside to make her way over to what had caused a panic. When she arrives, she finds Ririka already at your side with your head on your lap as she waited for the ambulance. She panics when she sees you passed out. Ririka takes notice of it and figures it was better for her to step aside. While Kirari could keep calm at times, she lost her cool when she worried over you.

"Kirari! Go outside and wait for the ambulance. I'll stay here with her."

Kirari didn't want to leave you but she wasn't going to be much help if she stayed.


30 minutes later, you're hooked up to an IV and given some medicine for you to get better.

"What were you thinking, (y/n)? Why did you lie to me about being sick? I would've cancelled the whole thing..."

"That's why. I wasn't going to be the reason why you were going to cancel it. The event was important for you."

Kirari sighs as she takes your hand and kisses the back of it.

"But it's not as important as you. Nothing is more important than you. Don't ever scare me like that. My heart dropped when I saw you laying on the ground."

"I'm sorry. I thought I could handle it."

"I know but it would've been better for you to stay home and let me take care of you. When you get dismissed, I'm bringing you home with me so I can take care of you."

"But what about your work...."

"What did I say?"

"Kirari, you're..."

"What did I say?"

You roll your eyes, knowing that Kirari was not going to change her mind.

"That nothing is more important than me."

"Precisely. Besides, Ririka is more than capable of dealing with the company. I can take a couple of days off to take care of you."

You couldn't help but smile at her words.

"I love you so damn much, Kirari."

"and words can't express how much I love you."


Mary gagged as she overhead the two of you. She couldn't believe this was the same Kirari that threatened the lives of people when she didn't get her way.

"Are you sure that you and your sister didn't trade spots?"

"Stop it, Mary. I think it's sweet that Kirari has a soft spot for (y/n)."

"Yeah, well I think it's absolutely sickening. It's against her nature to be soft."

"You don't complain when I'm not 'soft' as you like to call me."

Mary's cheeks have a hint of pink when she realizes what Ririka was telling her.

"Shut up! That's different."

"If you say so, Mary."


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions on request page. If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours. 

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Midari I... - Spike

Sayaka I... - Interest

Mary S.... - Safe

Ririka Momobami - Clan

Ririka Momobami - Killer

Sayaka I... - Electric

Kirari Momobami - Gun

Ririka Momobami - Opposites

Yumeko J... - Business

Sachiko Juraku - Ache

Ririka Momobami - Debt //notes

Rei Batsubami - Ask


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