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Kirari didn't know the first thing about being romantic. Her parents had only married as a business arrangement and then lived separately after the wedding. The rest of her family was much like her parents so she didn't have the greatest role models to look up to how to be romantic.
She couldn't surprise you with romantic surprises but she could do the things you did for her.
You're startled awake by the sound of the fire alarm. You rush to the alarm that had rung to find Kirari struggling to put out the fire in the pot.
"Kirari!" You rush to her aid by extinguishing the flames with the top of a pan. You slid the cover on until it covered the pan. After waiting a couple of seconds, you open it to find that the fire had gone out. "That was a close one. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I can't say the same thing about your breakfast."
"My breakfast?"
You toss the pan in the trash and turn around to face Kirari.
"I was trying to make you breakfast. The only problem is that I can't cook."
"Oh, really? I couldn't tell."
Kirari tried to get mad at you but she couldn't do so as you laughed. It was a breath of fresh air compared to how her father would get mad for mistakes like this.
"Quiet. I tried my best. The directions were simply just too difficult to follow."
"Hmm. How strange. From what I could tell, you were simply making an omelette. It shouldn't be difficult. Let me see that book."
She didn't say anything as she handed you the book opened to the recipe she was using.
"See. It was too difficult to follow."
You didn't have the heart to tell her that it was one of the easiest recipes to follow.
"I see. It seems that it's one of the hardest recipes in the book. Why don't I take care of breakfast today and tomorrow I can teach you some basic recipes."
"I suppose that is acceptable. Do you need help?"
"You just sit there and look pretty."
Kirari looked down at her phone so you wouldn't see how flustered you made her.
After the absolute failure that Kirari had with breakfast, she didn't dare bother to try dinner. You had thought her the basics of cooking breakfast but it was still too difficult. She had only been able to master scrambled eggs.
"Are you done laughing, sister?"
"I...I'm sorry but you seriously burned an omelette?"
"Shut up! (y/n) told me it was difficult to make so obviously I burned it."