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It was difficult to marry someone that you hadn't met. You tried to protest the arrangement but your parents were having none of it. The union had been promised since you were both kids and neither set of parents were willing to break. Joining the two families would allow them to merge their companies to create a bigger one to destroy any competition.
"Smile, (y/n). You're getting married. You should be happy."
"I would be happy if I was marrying someone that I wanted, mother. I only talked to her for an hour and we hated each other."
"Don't be ridiculous. If your father and I managed to work out our differences to build our company then the two of you can work them out for the sake of the company."
"Mother, please. You know I would do anything to help the two of you out but not this. I don't want to marry them and spend the rest of my life with her."
"That's enough, (y/n). You're going to go out and there and give everyone the biggest smile they've ever seen. You're not getting out of this marriage so stop complaining and focus on your day."
She fixes your (suit/dress) for the last time and then heads out. Knowing that you had a few more minutes before the ceremony, you used them to calm down. Thoughts of running out and never coming back had occurred to you but you knew your parents would have a way to find you. With one last deep breath, you plastered a smile on your face and headed to the ceremony.
Even though you were miserable and hated what was happening, you still made an effort to pretend that you were the happiest woman alive.
"You look beautiful."
Rather than thank you for the compliment, she looks towards the crowd of people.
"You don't have to lie. Lets just get through this ceremony."
You just nod and let the officiant start the ceremony.
"The day is not over. You still have a banquet to host."
You're both surprised to hear this. Neither of your parents had told you about any event after the wedding. You had both assumed it would end and then head out to your new apartment.
"What do you mean that we have a banquet to host? We never planned it."
"I know, (y/n). It's a surprise for the two of you! We all helped planned it."
You look to Terano for help but she just remains quiet. It looked like she was still processing what had happened.
"We don't have a choice, do we?"
"No, you don't."
"It's a networking event and you're both going to be looking for investors."
After spending a few hours talking about fake events and business, you both decided to excuse yourself to take a break.
"Do you want anything to drink?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? I could..."
"I said that I was fine! Just go get your drink."
You sigh and turn back around to head to the bar. All night, you had done your best to get along but she absolutely hated you. Whenever you tried to be friendly, she would just ignore you or turn down whatever you were offering.
After getting your drink, you hurry to make your way back to Terano. You needed something strong so it had taken them a while to find something for you.
"I'm so...what the fuck!"
Seeing Terano on the floor made you see red. You make your way over to help her but she brushes you off. Instead of trying to help her, you focus on the guy that was laughing.
"Come on. That was funny! You have to admit that...."
He doesn't get to finish his sentence before you punch him straight in the jaw. It disoriented him for a second so you punch the other side, effectively knocking him out. You were grateful for your mother insisting to take all those self-defense classes.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. You didn't need to do that. Our parents are going to..."
"I don't give a fuck about what our parents will do. The asshole pushed you off of your chair. I wasn't going to let him off easily for hurting my wife."
You sigh when you realize you had dropped your cup during the commotion. Your hand was starting to hurt and you needed something strong to help you deal with the pain.
"You're hurt."
"Yeah, well that's what happens when you....I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with a lot of emotions right now."
Terano nods and turns around to head back to the party.
"I'll be right back."
You're leaning against the railing when she returns with a first aid kit.
"Come here. Let me take care of your hands."
You simply make your way over to sit besides her so she could deal with your wounds.
"Thank you. No one's ever punched anyone for me."
"I'll have to warn you then. I have a habit of punching people when they piss me off."
She laughs as she hands you a bag of ice of your hands.
"Then I suppose I have to get used to this. I wouldn't be a good wife I let your wounds go untreated."
The two of you stay quiet, both lost in your own thoughts.
"Listen, I know that we were forced into this marriage but I'd like to at least be friends. I wouldn't want to make you miserable in this."
"I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I just didn't want to go through with it."
"It's okay. What matters is that we just move past it and start to get along."
It gets quiet again and then she interrupts it this time.
"You look beautiful by the way."
"Thank you, Terano.....we shouldn't probably get back. Our parents are no doubt looking for us."
She nods and lets you push her back to the party. With the two of you in much better terms, the party wasn't as dreadful.
All characters are 18+
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