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It was embarrassing to admit to her older sister that she needed help but there was no one else she could turn to.
"I'm not going to help you, Kirari. (y/n) is my friend and I know that you're not going to change no matter what."
"Am I hearing you correctly? You're picking your friend over your sister, Ririka?"
Sometimes Kirari hated how Mary had changed her sister. She wasn't the same person that she could push around.
"Yes. If you truly want to fix things then I'm sure you'll be able to figure something out."
If her sister wasn't going to be of any help then Kirari would simply turn to her loyal secretary for help.
"I'm afraid that I'm not sure how to help you, Madam President. I believe this is only something you can do to fix things. I can search up solutions and then report what I find."
Kirari sighed with a nod. Sayaka was her last option and even she didn't have an answer to her problem.
"Please do so. This will be your top priority. Anything else can wait."
Sayaka had delivered a detailed report as promised. There was too many things to read and so little time so she skimmed it over and picked out the easiest solution to her problem.
"Madam President, I advise for you to read it over and pick something else. Literally anything else than that. I don't think that's going to work. I believe it's just going to make things worse for you."
"Sayaka, I've already wasted too much time in asking for help. This is the easiest thing I can do that doesn't require extensive planning and so much time."
The secretary regretted writing it in when she heard that Kirari was planning to simply ignore you and pretend like she was better off without you. She had written it out of jealousy in hopes to further ruin your relationship with the President but now she felt guilty. Especially considering how you continued to talk to her despite breaking up with Kirari. She had always believed that you were only friends with her because of convenience but that hadn't been the case.
"I understand, Madam President. I'll try to find other solutions that might work better."
Kirari believed her plan would've worked if it weren't for the small fact that you were also ignoring her. You avoided her like the plague and if you couldn't, your friends would drag you off somewhere so that Kirari wouldn't try to approach you.
Tired of getting nowhere to fix things, Kirari decided to swallow her pride and talk to you. If she couldn't find a solution, talking to you about how to fix things will 100% be effective. She waits until it's lunchtime as she knew you always ate lunch with her sister and her friends.
"Madam President? Is everything alright?"
Kirari doesn't say anything, making Sayaka peak over her shoulder to find you sitting so close to Yumeko. Yumeko had her head resting on your shoulder as the two of you looked at something on the table.
"Everything is fine. Right now is just not the right time."
It had taken her almost a week to finally find you alone. Your friends were annoyingly refusing to leave you alone and Yumeko had stuck to you like glue. Sayaka had brilliantly come up with the idea of inviting everyone to gamble to distract them for a second.
"I'm sorry. I must've gotten the wrong room."
"No, you're in the right one. Please take a seat."
"I'd rather not, Kirari. I have somewhere else to go."
"Please, I won't take too much time. I just want to talk."
You hated how Kirari still had an effect on you. All it took was a simple please to get you to do whatever she wanted you to do.
"Just a few minutes. That's all I can spare."
She gives you a smile and nods.
"That's all I need." Kirari waits until you had taken a seat to continue talking. "I've been doing a lot of think after you broke up with me. Mainly just thinking about how much I hate seeing you with Yumeko."
"Don't bring her into this. She has nothing to do with us."
"....Nothing? Then please explain how I keep hearing that you can't seem to keep your hands off of her. It's honestly quite pathetic that you had a need to find a replacement for me. You wanted to make me jealous, is that it? Well congratulations, you did."
Kirari could see how angry you were getting as she kept talking but she just couldn't stop herself. She was still furious about seeing Yumeko all over you. It was disgusting. She was the only one that could touch you.
"I don't need to sit here and listen to your shit, Kirari. I'm done with you. I'm done dealing feeling like shit because of you. Yumeko actually makes me happy. She doesn't make me feel like I'm forcing her to be her girlfriend."
"Wait! I....I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I don't know how to do any of this. I don't know how to deal with all these feelings. I want to fix things with you but I don't know how. I just keep fucking up, (y/n)." Her father would kill her if he saw what was happening. She's the head of the Momobami clan, she's not supposed to be acting like a child. "I'm sorry. Tell me how to fix us."
It was a sight to see Kirari cry. Seeing the tears spill out made you want to go back to her and fix things but you forced yourself to leave the room without another word. You kept repeating to yourself that Kirari was only manipulating you and that nothing was going to change. You kept walking until you met up with Yumeko again.
"(y/n)! I was worried.....Oh, come here honey. Let me hold you. Everything is going to be okay."
She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close as you cried. She didn't push for you to tell her what had happened and you were glad. You hated Kirari. You hated how she could think that things would go back to normal if she spilled a few tears.
Kirari laid in bed, staring at the picture that the two of you had taken during your 1 year anniversary. Tears formed in her eyes as she saw how happy the two of you were but she never let them spill. She wasn't going to cry over someone that was already over her. --------------
All characters are 18+
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