You/Ririka Momobami - Okay(Angst)

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"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

You pay no attention to the voice coming up behind you. You never liked what she had to say. Her words always made you doubt everything about your feelings for Ririka. 

"What is it this time, Kirari?"

"About you having feelings for my older sister. She'll never bat an eye over someone like you. She seems to already have eyes for someone else."

You sigh when you noticed Ririka searching the room for someone. You knew it wasn't you because she simply gave you a small smile and continue her searched. You kept your eyes on her until her smile widened. Following her line of sight, you were disappointed to find Mary.

"The two of you barely even tolerate each other. You don't know anything about her."

"I know enough. You're a fool to think she'll like you. You really think someone like Ririka would even give you the time of day?"

You weren't sure why you were even humoring Kirari. Perhaps, it was because you hoped she will help kill any feelings you had for Ririka. You knew Kirari was right but your heart refused to listen. It still continued to beat fast whenever Ririka was around. 

"She's my friend."

"Is she?"

No longer able to stand her, you turned around to walk out of the room. When you're gone, Kirari looks over to her sister. As expected, Ririka seemed much happier with Mary at her side. While she wasn't a fan of Mary's, she could tolerate her. She couldn't stand you and she was going to do anything she could to prevent the two of you from even being friends. 


You're in the dining hall, going over some last minute notes for a test when Kirari takes a seat in front of you. 

"I don't remember allowing you to sit."

"It's a public area. Anyone is allowed to sit wherever they wish."

Already stressed over your exam, you didn't need to deal with Kirari's bullshit. You hurry to grab your things to leave the area. 

"Why don't you stay? Let's play a game." You stop clearing your spot and sit back down. "Something easy that you would even understand. Twenty questions. You can ask me whatever you want and I'll answer truthfully. The same applies to you."

You ignore her insult as you think about her proposal. There were plenty of things you wanted to ask her but you weren't sure if you would want to answer her questions. In the end, the need for answers won. 

"Fine. I'll play your stupid game."

She gives you a small smile. 

"I knew you were smart. Sayaka, please get us some tea." Sayaka excuses herself and the game begins. "I'll let you go first as a faith of goodwill."

You refrained from rolling your eyes at her words. 

"And you'll answer truthfully?" Kirari nods. "How will I know that you're not lying?"

"I guess you're just going to have to trust me. Just like I'll have to trust what you say."

Satisfied with her response, you nod. 

"Alright. Ririka and Mary, are they dating?"


"What? That's it? Just no?"

Just then, Sayaka returns with the tea. She pours the two of you a cup and then moves to stand by Kirari's side. Kirari takes a sip and lets out a sigh of content at the taste. 

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