Chosing to redirect her grief to anger, Ririka focused on getting rid of you. The only problem was that you had Kirari wrapped around your finger. Ririka couldn't understand how you managed to do so considering that Kirari hated being told what to do. From what she could remember of the the old Kirari, she would've never allowed someone to take control of her actions.
"I'm concerned, Kirari. Ever since you started to date (y/n), you've changed."
The one time that the two of you were separated, Ririka used it as an opportunity to try to show Kirari exactly who you were.
"Changed? Nothing about me has changed, sister. You shouldn't be concerned about me. You should be focusing on yourself. After what happened with Mary, I can't imagine..."
"I'm fine!" She quickly answers, cutting off Kirari. "It's been months. You've helped me and now it's my turn to help you. (y/n) isn't good for you. She's...She's evil. There's something about her that I can't explain but I don't like it. I've never been wrong about my gut feeling, Kirari. I need you to listen to me before it's too late."
"Before what is too late?"
You ask with a smile as you walk in. Ririka wanted to slap the smile off your face but she stayed put. You were dangerous and she was at a disadvantage. There was nothing around for her to defend herself.
"Nothing. I should go."
She says, quickly rushing out of the room before you could say something else.
You knew Ririka was on to you when she started trialing after you. She believed she was doing a good job of secretly following after you but you immediately knew about it. Her shitty wig and glasses could only do so much to hide her identity. You weren't necessarily worried about her discovering exactly what you were but it was annoying you. You couldn't kill her but you could send her away.
"You were right you know."
You start off as you walk into her room, closing the door behind you.
"What are you talking about?"
"About your theories. That I'm not exactly human and that I'm using Kirari." You laugh as you watch her face contort in anger. "even the fact that I was responsible for the deaths of your dear Mary and poor Sayaka."
Unable to hold herself back anymore, Ririka lunges at you and you don't do anything to stop her. You let her choke the life out of you. If Ririka wasn't clouded by her anger, she should've known something was wrong when you weren't pushing her off of you.
It's not long before the door is opened to reveal Kirari on the other side. She rushes to get Ririka off of you.
"What do you think you were doing?!"
Ririka rushes out of the room, leaving the two of you alone. Kirari pulls out her phone and dials emergency services while she checks to make sure you're breathing. You play the part of the hurt girlfriend, even exaggerating how much it hurt. Kirari believes it all, thinking that Ririka had managed to almost bring you the the brink of death.
"I'm concerned about your sister, Kirari. She hasn't been the same since Mary passed away."
"I know. I just didn't think she would do something like this."
You take her hand, rubbing the back of it with your thumb.
"Neither did I. Maybe it'll be a good idea of we send her to a psychiatric hospital."
"A psychiatric hospital?"
"She'll have help 24/7. She refuses to see a therapist. This way she'll be forced to talk to someone. I'm afraid if we don't do something, things will just get worse. She choked me, Kirari. She could've killed me if you hadn't come in. "
Kirari lets out a sigh as she nods.
"You're right. I'll check her into one."
Ririka immediately knew something wasn't right when Kirari drove outside the city.
"Where are we going?"
"We're just taking a trip."
Kirari simply answers. The rest of the car ride remains silent. When Kirari pulls up the center, Ririka starts to panic.
"What are we doing here?"
"This is for your own good, Ririka. You choked, (y/n). You're lucky that she's not pressing charges after almost killing her."
"She admitted to killing Mary and Sayaka! I couldn't just sit there and do nothing."
"Ririka, this is why I brought you here..."
"Kirari, please! You have to believe me. You can't let her continue brainwashing you! Please! Don't lock me in here."
"I'm sorry, Ririka. I promise to visit."
Ririka attempted to escape but the workers managed to grab her and drag her into the hospital. It was upsetting to see Ririka like this but you said this was for her own good. You had never been wrong so she was going to have to trust you with this.
All characters are 18+
Send me prompts and suggestions on request page. If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.
Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.
This is the list of prompts that I will be doing
Sayaka I... - Traitor
Yumeko Jabami - Field
Itsuki ... - Casual //or Mary
Kirari Momobami - Honey Part 2
Sayaka I.... - Type

Kakegurui Imagines (FxF)
FanfictionJust random prompts that I come up with. Feel free to send me a prompt