You and Kirari had met during a meeting between the president's from the major schools in the country. It wasn't anything formal, just something to discuss what was occurring in the school's and how things were being handled.
"I must admit. I'm quiet impressed with the way you've changed the school. Much more when I learned that you had done it in a year."
"Thank you. It wasn't easy and it's certainly not easy to maintain to hierarchy system."
"Really? I'd like to learn about the way you implemented. We could discuss this over some coffee."
"I more of a tea person."
"Tea it is then."
Since that tea date, the two of you had kept in touch with each other. Occasionally visiting each other every other month. With Kirari being the head of the country's most powerful family clan, the two of you kept your friendship and later relationship from everyone.
"So I have nothing to worry about your secretary. It sounds to me like she's a little in love with you Kirari."
You can't help but smile when you hear her laugh through the receiver. It's been a few weeks since you last seen her and you missed her. You had been planning to surprise her but never had a chance to do so.
"Sayaka? She's not in love with me. She's just loyal."
"Right, loyal."
"My, if I didn't know better, you sound a little jealous."
"You're being ridiculous. I'm not jealous of your secretary."
"I don't know, it sounds like you're jealous to me."
"God, you're insufferable Kirari. I hate you."
"I knew it, you are jealous."
The teasing continues on for a little longer until the two of you bid goodnight to each other.
As you boarded the helicopter, you kept reminding yourself that you were just visiting Kirari. Not to stake your claim on Kirari like some animal. She had no idea about your surprise visit and you wanted for it to stay that way. It's not long before the helicopter arrives in the landing pad and you make your way through the halls of the school in search of Kirari.
You finally spot her near the end of the hallway, quickly rushing to catch up to her, you don't notice her secretary turn around and shock you when you attempt to sneak up on Kirari.
Believing for Kirari to be in danger, Sayaka hadn't hesitated to pull out the taser and shock you. When she sees the President panic and carry you to the nurse, she soon realizes the big mistake she made. Snapping out of her thoughts, Sayaka trails after the President.
You groan loudly, feeling all your muscles hurt like a bitch. The last thing you remember seeing was the shocked expression in Kirari and satisfied smirk on who you assumed to be her secretary.
"Well look who's up. How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm dead. Did you fucking shock me?"
You asked the girl who was standing behind Kirari. She looked like she wanted to hide under Kirari but she stood her ground.
"I thought you wanted to harm the President. I did not know that the two of you were dating."
"Don't be so hard on her, (y/n). It was an honest mistake."
You glared at Kirari, annoyed with the amused smile that she had on.
"I guess you're right. I can't blame her for wanting to keep you safe. Thank you Sayaka. For keeping her safe, not shocking me." Sayaka turns bright rude, stuttering out an 'of course.' "Please avoid from shocking me again."
Kirari rolls her eyes and takes a seat on the edge of the bed.
"Looks like I'll have to take care of you until you're feeling better. You're not leaving until I know that you're not hurting anymore."
"I have a school to run. I can't just miss another day."
"Sayaka will handle it, right Sayaka?"
"Yes, President. I'll get in contact with her student council member and let them know what's going on."
"Thank you, you can go now. I'll be leaving early with (y/n)."
Sayaka nods and heads out of the nurse's office to leave the two of you alone.
"Maybe Sayaka is not so bad."
"I told you. She's loyal. You have nothing to worry about."
"I see that now. At least we get to spend the next few days together."
"You are correct, darling. Maybe the shocking was a blessing in disguise."
"Kirari, shut up or I'll shock you so you can see how painful it is."
"Okay, okay. I'll stop."

Kakegurui Imagines (FxF)
FanfictionJust random prompts that I come up with. Feel free to send me a prompt