You/Yumeko Jabami - Gamble

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Yumeko looked down at you curiously, wondering why you were all of a sudden deciding to break your streak of not gambling in school.

"My answer is yes but I'm curious. Why are you suddenly deciding to gamble with me? Since we've started dating. You've always been insistent that you would never gamble."

"Well Yumeko, if you remember two days ago. You were willingly going to gamble your life away. Then before that, you had bet all your money on a simple card game. I love you, Yumeko. I really do but the stress that I get from watching you take on all these bets is going to make me age faster than anything. If I have to gamble with you in order to get you to stop gambling, I'll do it."

Yumeko rushes to your side to sit on your lap and wraps her arms around your neck as she faces you. 

"This is why I love you. You're always surprising me. Lets do this. What are we going to play?

"I love you too Yumeko. We'll be playing the same game that started it all, the one that made Mary a housepet."

Annoyed about the event being brought up, Mary barges into the room. 

"You said that you weren't going to bring it up!"


Yumeko climbs off of your lap to run up to her and give her a hug. Rolling her eyes, Mary holds out her hand to stop Yumeko from actually hugging her. 

"I didn't come here for hugs. (y/n) requested for me to be the dealer and to round up a group of students."

Mary turns to the door, letting Ryota know that it was okay for everyone to walk into the room. She goes around, handing everyone three sheets of paper and starts a timer to give everyone time to draw their item. 

"I don't need to go over the rules. It'll be a game of best 2 out of 3. Do either of you have any complaints."

The two of you shake your heads, allowing for Mary to continue. Ryota walks around the class, picking up all the cards from everyone in the room. He hands the box to Mary and she lets the 2 of you pick your cards. She gives you several minutes to think of what card to use before she tells the two of you to show your card. 

"The round goes to Yumeko!"

You're not bothered by the win, knowing that you still had another chance to win. 

The same process is repeated and the two of you pick your cards again. 

"You know, I like that you went through all this trouble to set up this gamble. It's honestly quite romantic."

Mary practically slams the box besides Yumeko. 

"Of course you would find a gamble romantic. She did this to get you to stop doing stupid bets, Yumeko."

"Oh, I know. It's still romantic."

Yumeko says with a dream sigh. You're too focused on deciding to pick the correct card to listen in on what they were saying. 

"And the winner is...Yumeko!"

Mary is quick to make everyone leave the room to give the two of you privacy. You mouth her a silent thank you as you stare at Yumeko from across your seat. 

"So it looks like I wasn't able to win our bet"

Yumeko reaches over the table to take your hand, caressing the back of it with her thumb. 

"I know. It was cute to see you so concentrated on trying to pick a card. I feel bad that you went through all this trouble, only for you to lose in the end."

"You don't have to rub it in, Yumeko."

Yumeko's chair scrapes the hardwood floor as she stands. She walks to your side and sits on the table. You look up to her, curious about what she was doing. 

"It wasn't my intention. I was planning on taking it easy on you but you know how I value the integrity of the game."

"Oh trust me, I know. I still can't believe that you didn't do anything when you knew that Yuriko was cheating."

"It was fun."

"You became a housepet, Yumeko!"

She laughs, remembering how you had almost lost it when you saw the tag.

"On purpose. I only did it just so I could gamble with Kirari. I say it was worth it in the end." You sigh and stand up to grab you things when Yumeko wraps her legs around your waist. "I won't do anymore crazy bets."

You bite your lip, as her words repeat in your head. 

"You mean that?"

"With all my heart. As long as I get to gamble, I'm fine."

You grab her shirt and pull her in for a kiss. You might lost the bet but you had gotten exactly what you had wanted. 

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