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The members of the Beautification Council watched in fear as they saw a storm brewing over your head. They wanted to let their president know what was going on but they were scared of what you would do. It was unlike you to be acting this way and they knew from experience that the calm ones were always the scariest.
"How long has Midari been begging Yumeko for this match?" They're startled by your sudden question so it takes them a moment to realize what you had said. "I asked you a fucking question."
"For over a month! Yumeko kept turning her down but she surprised everyone when she finally accepted."
They watched as your knuckles turned white from how tight you were holding on to the chair. Scared that you planned on throwing it, they stepped further away from you.
You knew that Yumeko had purposely accepted her proposal to cause trouble. She had seen through your persona and realized exactly who you were. Wanting to see how you would react, she decided to make you jealous. While you might not be obvious about it, you were quite possessive. You didn't like when they played with your toys.
"I need to get a few things. Give me a call when they're about to finish."
They quickly nod and sigh in relief when you finally leave. Whatever you were planning, they knew it wasn't going to be good.
You had just finished getting the things you needed when you received the call. You make your way back to the basement and dismiss them.
"But we're not supposed to leave until they're done to clean up."
You don't want to argue with them so you pulled out the gun you had brought and pointed it at them.
"When I say that I want you to leave, you leave."
They trip over themselves as they rush out of them room. The sight of them is enough to make you forget why you were so angry in the first place.
"Oh, (y/n)! I didn't think you would show up." She wraps her arms around you and leans in to whisper in your ear. "I think I deserve a thank you. I did...."
You felt your blood boil at her words. She laughs when you push her off of you.
"Thank you! I should kill you. Just who do you think you are?"
"I'm simply a friend. I just want your relationship with Midari to blossom. I think the two of you are absolutely adorable. She'll be happy to see this side of yours." She gave you a smile and started to make her way out of the basement. "She's all tied up and ready for you."
You were definitely going to kill Yumeko after this.
"(y/n)! Thank god that you're here. Can you untie me? Yumeko just left me...."
"No. I want you to stay tied up. I want to play a game with you. It's only fair after you played with Yumeko."
Midari's surprise to hear this. You gamble but you never indulged her in her games. Always claiming that they were too dangerous and that you didn't wish to harm her. Her eyes widen when you point a gun at her head.
"Are we really going to play this game?! Is it my birthday? Did Christmas come early!?"
You traced her cheek with the barrel of the gun as you watched her get excited. If you weren't so angry, you would've thought she looked cute. Wanting to shut up, you slap her cheek with your free hand.
"Shut up and pay attention because I'm not going to repeat the rules of my game. Do you understand?"
She eagerly nods, excited to play whatever game you had come up with. She didn't think you were capable of acting this way but she wasn't complaining. She really liked it.
"Yes! Yes! I understand. What are the rules?"
"You're going to keep quiet while I talk. Any noise that you make and I'll shoot. I just want to talk and it seems this is the only way I'm going to get your attention. Any questions?" You smile when she just shakes her head. "Good. Lets start then. I'm not happy to hear that you had been begging for Yumeko to gamble with you. Much less that you were doing it behind, love. I'm hurt and it makes me think that you were cheating on me." Midari starts to talk and you don't hesitate to press the trigger. Midari's cry of surprise makes you press the trigger again, only for the gun to fire a blank again. Midari wants to say something but she didn't want the game to end too early so she shuts up so you could continue. You give her a smile as you caress her cheek with your thumb. "If I knew it would be this easy to get you to listen then I would've done it ages ago. I like having you under my thumb, Midari. If you make it alive out of this then maybe we can explore this further." Your smile widened when you saw the excited look in her eyes. "Oh, you like that? Lets hope that you do make it out alive then. Where was I? Oh yes! I don't want you near Yumeko again unless I'm with you. You want someone to play these dangerous gambles with you and as your girlfriend, it's my duty to fulfill your wishes. Stay away from Yumeko and I'll play as many of these games as you want."
Midari actually flinches when you fire the gun again. She was a little disappointed that it was another blank but she was happy as it meant you would continue playing more games like this with her.
"Huh. I actually thought that would've been a real one. Oh well. I suppose we'll wait until our next game and see if you get lucky."
"Is that it? I thought that...."
"For now. I just wanted to have a quick chat with you, Midari. We can play later. I'm quite tired and I just want to go home and cuddle with you. You still have to make it up to me for what you were doing with Yumeko."
Just as you finish removing the last knot, Midari grips your shirt and pulls you in for a kiss.
"God, I love you so much."
"You're not freaked out over...."
You suddenly start to feel embarrassed about what had happened. You were always good at controlling your emotions but you had gotten jealous.
"No! Never. I love you and I love this side of you."
"Good. It feels nice to not have to hide anymore. Thank you, Midari. I love you too."
All characters are 18+
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