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"Sayaka has just informed me that she'll be running a little late so we won't start the meeting until she arrives."
They all start to complain but quickly shut up when Kirari gives them a look. It's quiet for a few minutes before Midari starts to talk. She never liked being in quiet rooms.
"Check it out. I bought a new gun. I have to say that this one has to be my favorite."
She pulls out her gun to show it off to everyone. If she had showed it at another time, no one would have paid attention to her but they were bored with nothing to do.
"Another one? Don't you have like 5 already. They all look the same."
"You don't know anything about guns, Yumemi. This has a better grip. Here, try it out."
"I'm not going to touch that! I don't know where it's been. I've heard the rumors, Midari."
"It's clean! I promise!"
"I don't trust you."
You decide to intervene before the two of them could continue going back and forth.
"You know Kirari's daddy has a similar gun like that."
Ririka turns to Kirari, a little surprised since this was the first time of her hearing her father having a gun.
"Father has a gun?"
Kirari furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to figure out why you would even say that. As far as she knew, her father didn't own one.
"What are you talking about, (y/n)? Father doesn't own a gun. He has no use for them."
You don't say anything as you pull out a gun and place it on the table.
"Then what do you call this?"
Runa immediately started to laugh as she quickly realized what you had meant. They all turn to her, confused as to why she was laughing. They didn't understand the joke.
It takes a minute for Kirari to realize what you had meant. She lets out a quiet gasp in realization and turns bright red. Kirari's reactions help everyone realize what's going on. Midari and Ririka start to laugh while the others are in shock. While no one ever talked about it, they had all expected for Kirari to be the top.
Sayaka finally walks in a few minutes later.
"So what did I miss?"
All characters are 18+
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