Summary: Kirari hates your girlfriend.
"Are you sure that this is something you want to do, Madam President? Your sister is not going to be happy."
Kirari stopped working to look up at Sayaka with a raised brow. Ever since the two of them had started dating, Sayaka had began to actually voice her concerns. She wasn't used to being questioned but she liked the fact that Sayaka was much more comfortable with her.
"I know she isn't and that's the point. If we're ever going to get rid of Ana, we need to take extreme measures before my sister does something she'll regret."
Putting her pen down, Kirari joins Sayaka at the table she had been setting up for the game. Wrapping her arms around the younger girl, Kirari pulled her close.
"There are...."
"Sayaka, darling, I love you but I have no choice." Kirari pulls back from the hug to look directly at Sayaka. "Ana is taking advantage of my sister. No matter what Ririka and I say, (y/n) will never listen. If it means that the two of them will break up, I'll can handle a few days of her being mad at me."
With no other choice but to trust Kirari, Sayaka kept quiet.
"I don't understand why you couldn't bother Ririka or even have Sayaka gamble with you."
Kirari laughs at your complaint. She had managed to convince you to come gamble with her under the pretense of being bored. Since you always claimed that she was the most dangerous when she was bored, Kirari knew that you would take the bait.
"Because my lovely sister, Ririka swore off of gambling with me. As much as I tell Sayaka to not go easy on me, she still lets me win."
Everything Kirari said was true, Ririka didn't enjoy the stress she got when the two of them gamble and Sayaka always let her win. She had to admit that this gamble was also for her.
"Well I think its cute that she lets you win. I'm happy you found someone like Sayaka. I think she's the only one who can tame you." You look over to where Sayaka was standing to wink at her. "I'd like to know some of your secrets. It isn't until the two of you started dating that Kirari stopped her evil reign."
"Oh stop. I'm fair."
"And I'm straight."
The game continued with the two of you bickering back and forth until the last round. It was tied. Going first, you revealed your cards to added 23 points to your score and the lead over Kirari. You thought you had won but looking at Kirari made you realize you had lost.
"I believe I won."
Setting her cards down, Kirari reveals her cards that added 24 points to her score and gave her the win.
"And just when I thought that I was going to finally win. That was a good game."
You start gathering your things to head back to class when Kirari stops you.
"Just a second. I believe I won and I seem to recall life plans on the table."
You stare at your sister, unsure if she was being serious. Knowing that Kirari wasn't one to joke around, your smile turns into a frown.
"You can't be serious, Kirari. This gamble wasn't serious."
"Oh." Kirari pulls out two life plans. Looking over at them, you see Kirari's name written in one and another one in yours. "You agreed to the bets as did I. I took the liberty to fill yours out while mine remain blank in case you won."
You grab the two of them and flip through Kirari's. She was right about it being blank. Panic starts to set in when you realize that Kirari had already filled out your life plan. You had heard of others getting life plans but you had never thought of being on the receiving end of it. Taking a deep breath, you open it.

Kakegurui Imagines (FxF)
FanfictionJust random prompts that I come up with. Feel free to send me a prompt