You/Midari Ikishima - Impressions

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TW: Guns

Midari was never one to care for what people thought about her

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Midari was never one to care for what people thought about her. She was proud of who she was despite knowing how others thought of her. All that mattered to her was that you loved her for who she was and not for someone that she pretended to be.

"Your parents?"

You reached across the table to take her hands in yours while giving her a small smile.

"Yes. They want to meet you."

Your presence was always calming. Your voice and touch never failed to calm her racing heart but it wasn't working this time. She still couldn't process the fact that your parents wanted to meet her. Sure, the two of you had been dating for several months now but that didn't warrant a reason to meet.

"Me? But why?"

She would rather have Kirari stab her other eye out than meet your parents. Depending on her impression on them, they could potentially prohibit you from going out with her. She started to panic at the though of not having you in her life. She loved you and pictured a future with you.

"Midari, breathe. It'll just be dinner with my parents. Copy my breathing. In. Out. In. Out."

The two of you continued to take deep breaths until Midari returned to her normal shade of pale.

"What if they hate me? Your parents are important people. They're not going to like me. They're going to prohibit you from dating me! I can't! I can't meet them! Tell them I got into an accident. I'm not ready! I...I still have to prepare. Sayaka promised to....."

Cupping her cheeks, you pulled her in for a deep kiss. It takes a while for Midari to calm down but eventually does.

"Breathe, baby. My parents are going to love you. All they care about is my happiness and that I'm safe. You make me happy and keep me safe. Why would they prohibit me from going out with you?"

All Midari could think about was how you had a blind side to her craziness. Ever since she had started dating you, she had calmed down but there were still times that she lost control. Someone made her angry and she couldn't help but pull out her gun and threaten them. Not that she would ever do that to your parents but she feared she could say the wrong thing and they'll hate her.

"Please. I just need more time."

"I'm sorry, baby. I already promised that we could do dinner on Friday."


Midari jumped in her seat, startled when Sayaka slammed the ruler down on the table.

"Focus, Midari. The first step to becoming a properly lady is having manners...."

"I have man....."

Midari winced when Sayaka hit her with the ruler. It wasn't as hard as she had hit the desk but it still hurt like a bitch.

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