AN: I tried my best but I don't think I quite got it. I apologize.
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You had a task at hand, one that had been entrusted for you to do by Sachiko and that required for you to get Mary to gamble with her.
"Mary, come on. Just one gamble and then I'll stop bothering you."
"Stop annoying me, (y/n). I'm trying to eat my lunch in peace."
Annoyed that she wasn't listening to you, you grabbed her lunch bag and held it away from her.
"It's just one gamble! Come on, just gamble with her. She said she was going to get me kicked out of the student council if I didn't get you to agree."
Having enough of your antics, Mary stood up and ripped the bag off of your hands.
"Can you and your girlfriend just leave me alone? I don't need to prove anything to her. I really doubt your girlfriend would even kick you out. She likes having you near her to boss around."
"I'm sorry but you have the wrong idea. Sachiko and I are not dating"
Mary starts to laugh, the two of you were definitely dating. There was no way that the two of you are just friends with the way that you act around each other.
"I'm sorry but I don't believe you. The two of you argue like an old married couple." She starts to gather her things to leave the room. "But don't worry, I'll keep your secret if you stop bothering me."
"Wait Mary! We're seriously not dating!"
You tried to follower after her to explain how she was wrong but you lost her in the hallway. Mary had left and you hadn't even gotten her to agree to gamble with Sachiko. Sachiko was not going to be happy but at least you had a funny story to tell her.
You stopped laughing when you realized that Sachiko wasn't laughing.
"It's ridiculous right? We're just really close friends. Friends argue all the time."
"Her reasoning is ridiculous but her words made me think."
She turns to face you, leaning in close enough that if either of you moved just a little closer, the two of you would kiss.
You can't help but let your eyes drift down to her lips as you thought about kissing her. They just looked incredibly soft. It took everything within you to not close your eyes and close the distance between the two of you.
"Think about what?"
Sachiko couldn't help but smirk when she noticed that you were looking at her lips. Unable to resist anymore, Sachiko leans in to close the distance.
Your eyes widen in surprise, not expecting for her to just lean in and kiss you. Her lips were incredibly soft and you groaned when she pulled away.
"Maybe we should try this dating thing. I quite like kissing you."
"You want to date because you like kissing me?"
Sachiko cupped your cheek and caressed it with her thumb.
"Not only because I like kissing you. I genuinely like you. Mary's words just made me realize how I've been feeling about you."
"Oh...then I would love to date you too for real this time. I might or might not have had a crush on you for the longest time."
"It feels a little silly to be talking about crushes like we were some little kids..." She watches your face fall at her words so she stops talking to take a second to think over her words. "But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm going to be able to kiss you whenever I want."
You happily kiss her back when she pulls you in for another kiss. You needed to thank Mary for getting you a date.
All characters are 18+
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