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It feels like nothing has changed. Since high school, that same boy has consumed my view with his blurred sights and hands plucking his old violin, moving onto his voice as it screams out from the band room. His blackish-brown hair brushes the end of his forehead, and his laughter that lights up the hall despite no one even noticing it.

Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself and my intricate mind. Jae Iseul. Currently, in my second year of university, I sit on windowsills near a band room every Wednesday and Friday afternoon, listening for hours to how a band would practice their songs, play their instruments, and sing.

"Jae Iseul!" Ah yes, that is me. Ah yes, what a beautiful name.

"Jae. I. Seul!" Okay, I get it, I get it, my name is quite clean on the tongue.

"Damn Iseul!" A hand shakes me awake from my quick god complex, smacking me against the forehead with his palm. "Iseul. I was calling you from the other end of the hall. What is wrong with you?"

"Park Sunghoon, I'll kill you," I threaten, pointing my finger at him as my other hand rubs the red, swelling part of his hit. "How dare you hit me like this and pretend I am not the person who pays you every Sunday to get lunch!?"

"I never asked you to do it, the band still gets gigs," He shakes his head, huffing and groaning as he hoists himself up on the windowsill next to me and places his head on my shoulder. Gross. "Besides, we have a gig today. Will you come to see us? Or just Ja-" Slapping his mouth closed as people walk by, my eyes widen.

"Sunghoon, don't mention my crush! I'll pee myself!"

"That is so~ gross, Iseul. You, you, are so~ gross," In disgust, he scoots away, shaking his head. "Besides, that answer is enough for me. You are definitely going just to see him. What a loser, not even for your best friend?"

"A best friend is not supposed to swear at me and hit me in the head!"

"Then what do you want me to do, kiss you?! As much as we are friends, Iseul, I have standards."

"Oh shut up already-"

"Hey, Jake!" Sunghoon points behind me as I hide against the cold glass, putting up my hood as I kiss the glass. The boy cackles as I hiss at him, kicking his leg. "You should've seen your face, Iseul. That was hilarious."

"Shut up, you almost made me pee myself!"

"Again, Iseul, that's so~ gross-"

"I get it! I get it..." I respond shortly, looking at him. "What will you guys be performing today?"

"A secret, it's a new song," He replies, looking at his hair in the foggy glass of a cold December. "Right, are you going to your grandma's again this year for Christmas? The band wants to invite you for a night out after a performance this break." I gasp before I almost pass away, fanning myself at the thought of sitting next to him.

Sunghoon rolls his eyes, shaking me awake. "I suggested it and they had no problem with it. Don't get your hopes up, he doesn't even know who you are. Well, he and Heeseung don't."

"One day, he will," I reply with a noticeable amount of adoration in my eyes, clasping my hands together in an attempt to stop my clashing heart. "Thank you Sunghoon... this is a great opportunity."

"If you don't see your grandma, that is."

"Who needs grandma when you have your crush," I say jokingly, causing him to gasp and chuckle.

"You're such an idiot- oh hey Jake!"

"I won't believe you this time-"

"Hey Sunghoon, who is this?" His voice resonates and I'm back to kissing the wall with my red-hot cheeks, covering my hair with my hood.


"Oh, she's just..." I see from the corner of my eye how that boy hesitates- I'll literally kill him. "She's just a girl from my government class. I'm asking her about the homework."

"Oh, okay. Well, we're having early practice today at the venue. See you then?"

"Yep... See ya'."

"Bye!" Jake laughs, while I wave slightly and hear his footsteps clap and clap away to the distance. Sunghoon taps my shoulder and I physically freeze, turning my head his way with my eyes wide open. Sunghoon giggles in a cute manner, but that won't stop me from beating him up.

"Hey! Why didn't you say anything!?"

"You're the one who didn't believe me. What am I supposed to do?!"

"I- Well, I-"

"See, you're the one who doesn't believe."

"Shut up, okay!?" I huff, crossing my arms. "We don't even have a government together. You're the one who chose not to take the harder one."

"I am a music major, Iseul, and for that, I do not want to struggle."

"Why are you talking like Shakespeare, Sunghoon? For art thou Romeo, where art thou-"

"Oh, shut up." We both giggle as Sunghoon pauses, widening his eyes behind me as he waves. "Heeseung!" We both turn his way, catching his eyes fall onto mine before hurriedly switching to Sunghoon's.

"Hey!" He smiles at Sunghoon, glancing over at me. "Who's this?"

"This is Iseul. You were going to meet her in a few days for winter break."

"Oh! The girl you suggested..." His voice trails off, giving me a bit of an iffy vibe. "Well, hello. I'm Lee Heeseung, and you're Iseul." He shrugs his hand out like it's forced every day, putting on his signature smile as he uses his other hand to brush his hair back.

"Yes... Jae... Jae Iseul." I mumble, grabbing his hand softly as we both shake. He nods and smiles, turning back to Sunghoon.

"I have to go now, some friends are waiting for me to play billiards."

"Don't bet your whole allowance again!" Sunghoon yells as Heeseung lets go of my hand to walk away, causing that weird boy to chuckle.

"Will do. Bye," Heeseung waves as he walks away, causing Sunghoon to pull me closer as we watch that boy leave our vicinity.

"Say, Sunghoon, is he normal?"

Sunghoon looks my way, shaking his head. "Now you sound like Shakespeare."

"Shut up and answer my question, bozo."

"No, he's never been. He's Mr. Socialite, haven't you heard?" I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms. Sunghoon sighs, turning back to the hall in case he was still there. "Heeseung's quite social. A social butterfly or whatever. Everyone knows him, everyone's into him... That's why people know we're in a band- because he's the most popular one. The "Lead Singer" or whatever..."

"You sound pretty pissed about it."

"Yeah, because not even you watch me when I play because you're so~ into Jake Sim."

"Hey! You're still my best friend..."

"I don't feel like one," He huffs, crossing his arms. I slowly smile as I wrap my arm around him, Sunghoon hissing as I slap his shoulder.

"Alright, best friend, I'll treat you to some university ice cream. Will that prove my love for you?"

"Is it coffee ice cream?"

"Sure... I guess?" I question, shaking my head. "Yeah, yeah whatever."


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