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"You should learn how to keep the tempo, you stupid Ice Prince!" I groan, pointing at them all. "You expect to get scouted but you all are so offbeat! Again!"

"Iseul, we're so tired already—it's five pm, and you want us to keep going?!" Ni-Ki complains.

"Well, if you want to get scouted, do it properly!" I hiss, hitting the grand piano. "Again!" Playing a note, Heeseung starts with his chord, everyone following after as Sunoo starts to sing. I take a seat at the piano, taking out my notebook as I tap the beat with my pencil.

I watch them closely—and within seconds, I start to smile. It was good seeing them together again, not fighting and whatnot. They all had such great chemistry with each other, and even if they argue, hate, or disagree, they still find a way to apologize and grin at each other the next day.

Also, I'm sure you have questions! New Year's was quite the day if I say so myself—and thinking about it makes me want to blush. However, Heeseung and I aren't dating—but to be honest, I don't even know what we are. He's still helping me find my feelings with Jake even as the tension arises between him and Sunghoon, but I think it's died down.

Sunghoon and I are still closer than ever, and we've ditched his anger for a few more feelings of happiness. However, as I stare at him, he grins at me, shaking his head. Mouthing to me, I tilt my head.

'Are you using us for a project?'

'Hm... no, not really—just for my own entertainment.'

'Why, you!' 

I stick my tongue out at him as he sings, and finally, the song ends. They all heave their chests up and down with all the power that came out, glimpsing at each other before they all meet my eyes for approval. I smirk as I close my notebook, placing it on the bench beside me. "You've done well for the past 3 hours we've been here—I guess we can close off here."

Everyone celebrates in honor of my quick approval, setting down their instruments and turning off the mics. I put my notebook back inside my bag, filled with the notes I took down about this cute, little band. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder as I bend down, so I look up. There, Heeseung grins at me, waving goodbye as I wave as well.

As I look a bit closer, he's wearing the sweater I gave him, causing me to shake my head in a quick chuckle. He winks before walking out of the practice room with the others, leaving me by myself to clean things up.

So, as I pick up mics and make sure they're turned off, I hear a soft shuffle from the doorway. "Do you need help?" Why do people keep making me turn around—oh, it's Sunghoon. He waves as he leans against the open door, hands shoved in his pockets. "I don't want you hurling all this stuff on your own."

"I mean... sure," I reply, shrugging. "That's fine with me."

So, he helps me pick up things, striking up a conversation. "How was New Year's? Did you spend it with anyone?"

Uh-Oh. Do I tell him the truth? I should—to make up for all the times I've lied.

"Yeah, actually—I spent most of my time trying to do lots of writing, having fun with my family—but I also got to hang out with Heeseung."

"Heeseung hyung?" He questions, instantly turning my way. "Oh, right—I forgot he was born in Namyangju too..."

"Yeah, but he's never gone to our high school—so there's no problem trying to figure him out," I chuckle, placing the mics back in their case. "All we did was go see the Water Garden and went for a few drinks. Then, we greeted each other Happy New Year!"

"Is that... all you did?" He sounds quite suspicious of me, narrowing his eyes. "Have your parents met Heeseung hyung?"

Oh god.

"...Yeah, they have," I answer truthfully, flashing back to that day. "They just briefly met him—nothing much to talk about."

"Oh, okay," He replies shortly, picking up his guitar. "Hey, in case I get sick again, can I teach you my part for our new song?"

"Yeah, sure!" I exclaim happily, clapping. I grab the guitar from his hands, placing the guitar strap across my body. "Woah, it feels weird wearing this again." Sunghoon chuckles deeply, his head right on my shoulder. Suddenly, his arms wrap around my body, both of his hands situating themselves on mine. His soft exhale tingles me all around, my eyes immediately finding refugee in my closed eyelids.

"Alright, so you'll be strumming the fourth string, and on this fret," He whispers, intertwining his fingers with mine before placing them on the wires. He makes sure to tune his guitar a bit before running back to my hand, using my free hand to start strumming the guitar. We both look at the music sheet, switching between the guitar and the paper.

"So, for this measure, you're going to be playing it for three beats until you switch into this chord..." His voice fades out—and I feel his quiet stare. I blink before turning his way as well, our faces inches away as our noses slightly touch. This feeling is just as indescribable as Heeseung kissing me—but neither could ever be compared. His breath fans against my lips, the lights in the practice room dim as the only light source we had was from the doorway.


I gulp, blinking as I instantly turn back to his guitar. "Can you replay it again? I'm still a bit confused."

"—Oh! Sure..." He clears his throat, holding my hands again. "So, start from this measure all the way down to 'boyfriend'—"

After that word, my ears give up on me as I space out, wondering what the hell we could be. I blink, staring at the word against the paper. It pops out at me, and it doesn't leave my sight.




I wonder what we really could be.


Sunghoon's a great candidate.
Heeseung's a great candidate.
Hell, even Jake's a great candidate, too!

"Damn Iseul."


Suddenly, I feel someone's lips press softly against my cheek—and I instantly know it's Sunghoon. His hands squeeze around mine tighter—and I'm blushing as I panic and look his way. "Sorry—you blanked out, so I had to do something..."

"Oh..." I chuckle, blinking as I slightly push him off. He notices my blush—and I swear I see him smirk. "I think that's enough learning for now, go put your guitar away." I take it off of me, shoving it into him as I turn away.

I hear his deep chuckle resonating as he goes to hang it up on a stand. So, I quickly walk to the door—but he's already caught me. "Where are you going, Iseul? Running away so soon?" I pause, hearing his footsteps. "I wanted to ask you something before you go."

"W-What is it?" I stammer, mentally facepalming myself for the stupid reply.

"Shall we... go on a date tomorrow?"

"A date?!" I widen my eyes, instantly swirling around. He leans against the door frame again, quite weary of my reaction. "But—"

"You're not dating anyone, right?" He questions, crossing his arms. "I'm sure of it—so at least come enjoy some scenery with me, okay?"

"...Okay." I agree, stepping back slightly. "Then... I'll see you tomorrow after classes."

He nods, smiling. Waving to me, I awkwardly wave back, strolling away from the practice room looking like a blushing mess.

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