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Yeah, I was~ going to end it at that little camp scene, but even so, I kind of hated our ending. Hell, should I even call it an ending? I don't really want to.


Well because we haven't ended yet! Why should we end something that's simply getting started? It's nonsensical. Or, well, maybe I just don't like endings. It's unusually abrupt, and some are not the best finales. I, for one, don't really read books for the ending. I read it for the detail inside. (However, sometimes, I like the ending the best.)

Anyway, I don't think you're here to hear my nonsense, you're probably what's up with everyone and what we've been doing since the last time you saw us. Who am I even talking to, again? Myself? Is this an internal monologue? I hope not.

"Love, what are you thinking about?" I hear, causing me to perk up. Turning around slightly in my chair, Heeseung stands there like a mannequin, his head slightly tilted. "You've been sitting there for the last fifteen minutes, staring at yourself in the mirror. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I chuckle almost immediately, stupid for thinking I was some writer or something. Getting up, I walk over, attaching myself around his waist. He flinches slightly, soon hugging me back as he kisses the crown of my head. "I missed you."

"I've been gone for five minutes to get you some fruit, though—"

"Shut up," I interrupt, pinching his side as he yelps. I giggle, taking the plate of fruit out of his hand. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, I guess," He mumbles, both of us soon sitting on my bed again. The rain was pouring these days, and whatever that meant, for me, it meant that I'd be staying in with Heeseung. We've both graduated already, living together in my house despite having his own. I'm trying to get a job, but Heeseung's already gotten one. Good for him. "You're obviously overthinking something, what's wrong?"

"I'm trying to talk to my inner audience in my head, be quiet for a second!"

"No!" He whines, picking me up by my waist as he settles me on his lap. He kisses my cheek firmly, chin on my shoulder while he took a piece of fruit. "Say ah~" I roll my eyes at his attaching behavior, opening my mouth as he stuffs it in harshly. I glare at him as he giggles at my reaction, ready to beat the crap out of him the moment I finish eating this fruit. "You know, Iseul... I don't regret loving you."

"I'd be hell-fire surprised if you did, Heeseung," I raise my eyebrows, dumbfounded by his words.

"Not like that!" He exclaims, tickling my side as I flinch. I take another piece of fruit as he sighs, stuffing it inside my mouth. Damn, this kiwi was good. "I'm saying that we've been through so much crap together, that we should've split by now. I mean, we're from different levels, different lives—but we still found a way to become one world. You know?"

"You know?—" No, for my sake, I really don't know!

"Mhm..." I trail off, pretending like his loving words make sense. I moved slightly in his lap, laying back. "Well, what can we say, then? Love does weird things, especially for people who hated it at first. You've been through a toxic relationship while I've only lived in the friend zone—they're the same severity yet on different levels!"

"You're obviously not getting the concept."

"Whatever—eat your damn fruit by yourself, then!" I slam the plate against the bed, the fruit jumping up in anxiety as they fell back down on the plate. I grumble, getting off his lap, standing up to walk to the door. However, a hand instantly captures mine, pulling me harshly as I get spun around.

Widening my eyes, a hand meets the nape of my neck, pulling me down on my bed before we've switched positions. Lying against the bed, Heeseung towers over me, lips moving against mine in a sweet kiss scene that's just one of many. However, it doesn't fail to make me smile, wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands drag down towards my back.

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