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It's just about time for their gig, shaking things up as Sunghoon hands me his unfinished ice cream. "I need to go drink water and practice with the band. Are you coming in?"

"Um... Um...!"

"Just c'mon. I already told you they're quite fond of you," His smile radiates softly as he pulls her close, winking at her. "If they bully you, I promise I'll be gentle."

"Excuse me, Park Sunghoon!?" I exclaim with a gasp, pushing him off of me like the dirty little loser he is. "Let's go. I don't want them to blame me for having you out so late." He chuckles as I push him in. However, my words are contradicted as I bump right into Sunghoon's back, while the boy in front of me is knocked into his own bandmate.

"Sunghoon, you're late!" Heeseung sighs, raking his hair back. I widen as I see Jake in the distance, his guitar hanging on his back, looking our way. My red-hot blush makes its way onto my face as I hide behind Sunghoon, biting my lower lip in humiliation. "Were you out with this chick the whole time?"

"Chick?" Sunghoon and I resound- him in question and me in total offense. "I'm sorry, I thought we established names?" I ask, crossing my arms. Heeseung stuffs his hands in his pockets as he rolls his eyes, huffing and puffing like a literal eight-year-old.

"Listen, Iseul, I know you and Sunghoon are best friends and all, but he's literally fifteen minutes late for our gig. We start the show in 10 minutes!"

"How is that our problem? We couldn't call a taxi or had no transportation. Don't blame me for something that's out of my control!" I argue back, pointing at him. "Besides, if you guys were such~ professionals, then you can do a quick practice and still ace this show. Stop doubting yourselves and act like a grown-up."

"Why, I-" He scoffs, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"What, never been back-talked, Mr. Socialite?"

"You're obviously not the first, and hopefully this will be the last," He scoffs as he walks away, hopefully, to end this subtle argument. From my view, as Heeseung moves his annoying body out the way, Jake is smiling at my behavior. My eyes scatter from each table and chair, but as I meet him again, he smiles and gives me a subtle thumbs up. I chuckle out of stupidity and shyness, giving it back to him before swiftly turning to a blinking Sunghoon.

"You definitely showed him... He's going to beat me up," He sighs, shaking his head. "I'll go practice, go get yourself a drink or something since you're of age."

"Okay, shut up," I roll my eyes as we separate ways, skidding across the railings as I hang there. Passing by is Jungwon, the boy eating his dinner as he sits next to me. "Jungwon, can I have a piece?"

Passing me the container, he swings his legs as Jake catches Sunghoon up on some chords and musical whatnot, leaving me with the main vocalist of their band.

"Sorry about Heeseung hyung. He's a bit rowdy because-"

"Let me guess, he lost all his money?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Met him for the first time today. Seemed quite off that he was so calm this morning but so irritated tonight," I reply, taking a bite of his chicken before handing it back. "Are you still doing okay in the music department?"

Smiling, Jungwon nods. "Yeah, a few if's and but's with my parents, but I think we'll be fine to continue this and hopefully get scouted by an agency." His happiness is quite radiant, and I smile back. I haven't known Jungwon for long, but Sunghoon trusted me with him the most. Jungwon and I have gone out a few times, and he looks towards me for guidance.

He's their leader, what can I expect? I feel like their manager- and to be honest, I wouldn't mind being one. Jungwon asks me frequent questions even when they have nothing to do with me- and I adapt to his band as I get to know them.

Jungwon's a super soft guy.

Jay's "Mr. Tough Guy" until you get him into something he enjoys.

Jake (The actual love of my life, not clickbait) is like a puppy- or at least, reminds me of one.

Sunghoon, that little ice prince... it's not a surprise he hasn't broken any hearts yet.

Sunoo loves to tease and play around- and I find him the funniest.

Ni-Ki has a knack for just about everything- before he would be in a rock band, he'd be dancing. I wonder why he isn't in a K-Pop group yet.

Then, Mr. Socialite. Hah... besides being a complete arse, he's actually quite a peacemaker. He complies and is obedient, maybe not too obnoxious- he just seems soft-spoken. Introverted and intuitive, he's quite interesting until you face the social butterfly face to face. What a contrast- introverted but so well known. Just call him cold-blooded and move on.

"Are you here for Jake hyung?"

"Sh... Shut up," I immediately flush as he laughs, shaking his head. "Does he know?"

"It's quite obvious, but hyung is blind to love- it's mere friendship to him at this point," Jungwon replies, groaning as he stands up. "We're putting on quite the show today- and he'll be leading it. Have fun fangirling, we're about to start."

"Bye-Bye~" I hum as he walks to the stage, causing me to take a seat before I'm pushed over by a familiar sight, quickly taking a seat next to me before sighing.

"Thanks for saving me a spot, sis," Soo-Ri, my sister mentions, winking at me. "You always know I need a front seat to fangirl over Jay."

"He's around 2 years older than you, suck it up," I shake my head, laughing to myself. "Did you get trampled by all of Mr. Socialite's fangirls?"

"Sadly," She points to the doorway as a bunch pile in, screaming Heeseung's name as I stare carefully at Jake. "Has your man noticed you yet? You've been eyeing him like a curious dog ever since you sat down."

"M-My man?" I stammer slightly before gasping- just the thought of it has me wanting to faint. "What a delight that would be-" Someone taps my shoulder as I turn around, causing silence to occur- and for Soo-Ri to gasp. As I look up, Heeseung watches me from above, smiling.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"Did Sunghoon tell you to do this?"

"Possibly, but I mean it," Heeseung shrugs, pushing out his hand and giving me something. "Here, my lucky pick. I need you to hold it."

"If this is a tease to get me interested in you, I'll have to pass-" He grabs my arm and pulls me closer, causing everyone in the room to gasp. However, he leans closer to my ear, gulping.

"Sunghoon needs you right now- and I mean it." He leans away as I widen my eyes, jumping off my chair before running past him-

and as I turn back in a quick motion to see Heeseung, he stands there with a sullen look on his face, staring at the chair I once sat in.

Was he okay?

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