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(super short chapter, apologies)

I widen my eyes as I step back, seeing him enter the classroom. He suddenly takes my hand, urging me to come with him. "Wha-?"

"C'mon—I have something to discuss with you," He pulls me, making me panic—what if it was bad?!

However, another hand intertwines with my free one, causing me to groan—catching Sunghoon's attention. As we both look the other way, Heeseung stands there, jealousy writhing in his eyes.

Oh god, this was going to be bad, bad.

And I had to be in the middle of it.

"Why? Can I not discuss something with my best friend?" Sunghoon intervenes, pulling me closer as he looks at his hyung. "You don't own her, do you? Are you her boyfriend, hyung?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, Sunghoon," Heeseung grits his teeth like he means it wholeheartedly, causing me to switch gazes between the two. "Are you her boyfriend? Because as far as I know, we are both her favorite acquaintances."

"Well, I don't pick favorites, guys—"

"Why are you holding her back? If I have something to talk about her with, shouldn't you respect it?"

"You're the one who's forcibly pulling her when she's just trying to enjoy her time with me."

"Guys, stop fighting, please—" Suddenly, Sunghoon pushes me out of both their grasps, causing me to stumble back. Sunghoon grabs Heeseung's collar, Heeseung soon scoffs as he places his palm against Sunghoon's chest to keep his distance. "Sunghoon!"

"You stay out of this," He growls, soon looking at his hyung. "What are you?"

"Why are you asking?" Heeseung raises his eyebrows, tilting his head. "This shouldn't be something you fight over, Sunghoon. Are you that upset over a girl who doesn't like you back?"

"Shut up!" Sunghoon yells, eyes flaring. "What about you, huh? How do you know she likes you too?! We're both her suitors, but she can only choose one."

"That shouldn't be something she decides immediately, Sunghoon," Heeseung sighs frustratingly, side-eyeing me. "You've been patient for her all your life, can't you wait a little more—even if you have competition?"

"Be quiet, I don't want to hear it from you anymore."

"Just let her choose who she'd like to stick with—or she can choose neither." Heeseung has the most logical responses despite being passive-aggressive about this issue—and at this point, I'd love to choose neither... but what if it's important? "So, Iseul, would you like to stick with me or this idiot—I wouldn't mind who you choose, but this kid might."

"Shut up, oh my god!"

"I'll choose Sunghoon, I think it's important," I immediately say, causing both of them to look at me. Heeseung doesn't show the slightest reaction—which somewhat worries me. "Sorry, Heeseung, we can talk next time I see you, okay?"

"Of course," Heeseung smiles softly, patting my head. "Go ahead, I'll be leaving. Just text me if you need more tutoring sessions. Bye!"


"Let's go," Sunghoon pulls me along as we rush out of the classroom, causing me to huff. 

"What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Have you decided yet?"

"Are you this impatient, Sunghoon?!" I question, taking off his grip. He instantly turns my way, looking down at me. "It's only been a few days—and you expect me to have an answer when two men are chasing after me, fighting over me—when I still don't know if I'm still attracted to your bandmate?"

"That's why I'm telling you to choose, Jae Iseul—" He sighs, crossing his arms. "Listen, it's not to force you—but I can't compete with hyung knowing there's a good chance you'll choose Heeseung hyung or Jake hyung! And besides, Jake hyung doesn't even like you—"

"Excuse me?" I question, raising an eyebrow. "What does that have to do with your impatience?"

"It's the truth," He replies dryly, my head throbbing. "Jake hyung doesn't like you as you do. He never has and never will. It's your fault that we're fighting, too! You won't choose anyone. On top of that, Heeseung hyung could simply be using you, and you may never know!"

"Are you trying to validate yourself in hopes that I choose you or what!?" I argue back, laughing in disbelief. "Sunghoon, I've never seen you be this way—hell, why are you even acting like this?"

"Because of you!"

"I should not be the blame for all your actions—you're pitiful," I whisper, clenching my fists. "Don't you ever say these things about your hyungs, and me! It doesn't matter if Jake doesn't like me. It doesn't matter if your hyung uses me because, in fact, his feelings are genuine. I'm starting to think that this whole thing to you is some kind of competition—and I am just something you're going to pass around."

"That's not true, Iseul—"

"No matter if it's false or true, I don't want to hear it—I hate you right now," I step away from him, walking backward into the classroom I was just in. "Whenever you're ready to actually talk to me—like a grown adult who doesn't think it's fun to put others down in this situation—come find me. Right now, you make me sick."

"Iseul, come on—" Exactly who I expected decided to show up, his chest covering my face as I start to shiver. I look up and see him looking back at Sunghoon—who's frustrated. "I thought she told you to stay out of this?"

"I heard enough to know I couldn't," Heeseung says harshly, turning back his head before grabbing my chin. He wipes the corner of my eyes as I struggle not to cry over Sunghoon's awful behavior, the boy grinning softly. "Do you still want to stay and talk with him—or should I take you home?"


"Take me home, please," I say worriedly as I clutch onto his shirt, his jacket covering me from Sunghoon. Heeseung delicately hums before nodding, grabbing my things from my hand, and turning around. 

"You heard her, Sunghoon—" He halts—and if I could see or imagine anything, I know Heeseung was looking hard at his younger friend. "—Move."

Sunghoon delicately complies, causing Heeseung to carefully grab my hand, his arm wrapping around my shoulders as my head is stuck on his chest.

"Goodnight, Sunghoon," Heeseung mentions, clearing his throat. "Hopefully, you'll organize your thoughts better than tonight. See you tomorrow."

Sunghoon doesn't say anything, allowing us to pass.

I hate when they do this. It feels like a trap—but this could be how they both feel. I hate love, especially if it'll break apart two friends who deserve better than to fight over a girl.

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