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I step off the train with my luggage, hoping that the pair who had traveled to Suwon together would take me with them. Low hopes, though, considering that one almost committed suicide and the other was dead drunk as well when he almost died.

However, when I'm just about to text a curious Ni-Ki that I'm in Suwon, a hand grabs my wrist, causing me to instantly gaze up. The boy isn't too much taller than me, and seeing his small smile mix with mine relieved me. "Hey?"

"Hello, Iseul," He whispers, tilting his head. "What are you doing in Suwon?"

"More like how'd you know I was coming to Suwon," I chuckle, shaking my head. "I didn't expect to see you greet me at the train station."

"Jake had texted me about your arrival—and a few other things," He shrugged, yawning. "I don't know why you had to come so early, though—Sunoo wasn't even awake by the time I left."

"Sorry, Jay," I apologize, patting his back. "Now to answer your question—I'm here to convince you about a few things."

"About what?" He plays dumb, grabbing my luggage from my hands and crossing his arms. "Is it what I think it is?"

"Yeah, about the fight," I nod, causing him to groan. "Hey, as much as you hate it, you all are still friends!"

"To be honest, there's not much to convince me. If everyone else agrees then I'll move with the flow," He shrugs as we walk out of the train station, the boy holding my pointer finger as if I was a lost kid. "I just wish things were that easy. Sunoo hasn't been that talkative lately, and it worries me. He's been off and on with people and with me—so I haven't seen him lately. He comes home late at night and leaves early in the morning, doing his things."

"When do you think I'll be able to catch him, then?" I question, following him. "What does he do, too?"

"I'm unsure about both of those questions, so you'll have to catch him one day—" He pauses, stopping as he presses the button for the crosswalk. "But first, let's get you settled since I know you won't be staying long. Are you going to stay at a hotel?"

"Probably," I shrug, nudging him. "But for today, I wanted to not talk about anyone else's feelings, Jay. Just yours."

"What makes you think I have an input on this?" He chuckles, shrugging off his feelings. "Even if I had an opinion, what so? It would make no difference. I'd still be in the band, everyone would get along before, and..."


"...I'm just an extra for a reason," He whispers, looking down. "In every story, there will always be a secondary character—but that is not me. I will always hide in the background, no matter what."

He tries to pull me along but I grab his hand, halting him from strolling away. "What?"

"Let's go get breakfast," I say instantly, pressing my lips together. My heart started to hurt hearing his words. "I want to occupy you for the rest of the day. Can that happen?"

"You sound quite determined—and you coming here was quite the strike from where our university is," His eyes smile and he nods, intertwining his fingers with mine. "The only thing I can do for all the traveling you did this morning gives you this opportunity—so, where shall we eat?"

We eat breakfast at a coffee shop not far from the train station—looking at the art and shops as we pass by. After that, we both look for things we want to do—and set our eyes on simply walking and talking. I don't know why he was so interested in these types of things, but maybe it was because the pressure had made its way into his mind. He's always very careful of his reputation and looks—so I can see why he was putting himself down like this.

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