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Jake sent me back home after I tried to convince him to let me send him off—but he told me he needed time away from me to sort out his feelings of "losing his first love" and "not being able to regain his chances." To be honest, I'm just glad that with him, there wasn't a big fight—not like with Sunghoon.

Anyone could agree that Jake only did it out of inexperience, and he deserved better than a messed-up Iseul anyways. I've got nothing to hide about all my mistakes, so it's quite obvious that I'm not perfect.

Adding onto that, it was quite weird to get asked questions so openly. I felt like the main character for that single moment—and I probably am—but because this story is about the band, I don't like talking about myself. It's their world, and I feel like I am simply living in a sequence of their life.

Hopefully, though, I am no chapter that they will skip along—you know, because of Heeseung. I don't know if he wants to break up with me. Should I visit his family today? I feel like I should. Maybe his dad could give me some advice.

So, changing into something more casual less I just went on a run and I'm sweaty,
I take a few fruits from our kitchen and place them in a basket.

"Where are you off to, my lovely daughter?" Dad coaxes me, blinking like a puppy. Gross. "Are you leaving to meet friends again?"

"No, I'm going to go meet Heeseung's family again."

"Again?!" Dad panics, turning me around as he shakes me shortly after. "Hell, you never told me you went to meet his family?!"

"It was during the band's disbandment. You didn't even know I was here!"

"Why, you little!—"

"Honey," Mom exits their shared bedroom with the door slamming open, pointing at him with her glaring, scary eyes. We both stand up straight, pushing each other away as mom stomps over. "Stop doing that to our daughter! Come give me a massage and let her do what she wants!" Slapping his shoulder harshly, he hisses, pouting.

"Yes, love..." I stick my tongue out at my dad as he passes by, causing him to fake a punch at me. "I hate you!"

"You love me," I tease, watching mom pull him inside their room before shutting the door. Instantly after, I grab the keys to the car before scrolling up my messages—and putting in the address of the Lee Family's whereabouts. Soon enough, I'm out of the garage—

and heading to their house.

My phone continues to blow up along the way, knowing damn well it's from the band. So, after deciding to scroll through, I chuckle at the constant yelling for me to come back to university. Even Soo-Ri asks me to—because Jungwon seems to be tearing up the house.

The only person who decides not to text me is Jake—and I expect nothing less. He's probably already on that train, contemplating things that I wish he didn't. I get more than enough messages from Heeseung, asking where I am, to come back to university so we can talk—but I don't think a day or so can really commit a person to make up their mind.

Am I wrong? Maybe. All I know is that I'm indecisive, and that's that. :)

So, as I park my car and grab the fruit basket beside me, I already hear the squeals and the arguing. My head perks up to see the family exiting the house—they must've heard me coming down the driveway. Heeseung's older brother waves to me, hugging himself as his mom skips ahead.

I wave back before exiting my car, locking it and stuffing my parent's car keys into my pocket. "Hey! I was going to make my grand entrance at your doorstep."

"I said to wait for you inside the house, but mom required us to go outside and greet you—you know, to feel the cold as well," His brother shrugs, grinning as he hits my shoulder slightly. "Why are you in Namyangju—even better, here? Wasn't it just Valentine's?"

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