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I yawn as I exit the school, walking across campus. My eyes shift as someone stares at me—and I immediately know who it is.

"Ji-Hun, if you have something to say, please say it now," I announce, seeing her flinch. She rolls her eyes at me, strolling over. She clears her throat with her crossed arms, looking up at me. "What? Do you have something to tell me?"

"Don't you think you're being a bit too... greedy?"

"Huh?" I question, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"You have Heeseung, Sunghoon..." She trails off, circling me as I stand. "Can't you at least share one with the rest of us, hm?"

"And what makes you think you'd be the one getting him, Ms. Socialite?"


"Sure, you may share a title—hell, you dated before," I chuckle, jealousy filling me up. "But you were the one who mistreated the boy. In fact, I recall you being a manipulator—or even more, an exploiter? Ms. Socialite, is that how you gain all your power? By using others?"

"How did you—?!" She gasps, stumbling back like a lunatic. Girl, if you know it's the truth, don't be surprised. "—How did you find out?! Did he tell you?"

"It doesn't matter who told me or how I found out, Moon Ji-Hun—" I sigh in frustration, combing back my hair. "What matters is that you lost your chance at loving someone who deserved so much better—and since you couldn't take care of him like you should've... I will do it for you."

And before the girl could continue, I didn't want to talk to her anymore. I pushed past her as she groans in anger, shuffling. "I'll figure it all out, Jae Iseul! I'll bring you down!"

I sure hope you do because I hate being in the spotlight—

just like him.

"Where are you off to?"

"Gah!" I squeal, flinching as I see both Jungwon and Soo-Ri watching me from the doorway. Hands-on their hips, they assess me, looking me up to down. "God, I forgot you're staying here for a while, Jungwon. Anyway, to answer—I'm going on a date with Sunghoon."

"A date with Sunghoon!?" They synchronize, looking at each other slowly. "But, but Iseul—weren't you dating Heeseung?" Soo-Ri asks, causing me to widen my eyes. No, no... Don't tell her anything. "I saw you guys kissing!"

"What?!" I widen my eyes, Jungwon widening his as well.

"You both kissed, didn't tell any of us, and aren't dating!?" Jungwon gasps, pointing at me. "Now, you're going on a date with Sunghoon hyung, not telling Heeseung hyung, and accepting it like it's nothing?!"


"I'm going to call him!"

"Don't you dare!" I yell, pointing at the younger. "Listen, I know you're team Heeseung—hell, I was convinced I was too—but I want to give Sunghoon a chance. Isn't that what you always say, to give people a chance?"

"I guess..." Jungwon sighs, crossing his arms. "But I really thought you'd be hyung's girlfriend. You both seem close—but I know one day, he will personally claim you instead."

"You know, mom and dad took a photo of you kissing," Soo-Ri adds on top of Jungwon's lecture, causing me to groan. "I even have the photo. Jungwon, want me to send it to you?"

"Yes please!" He claps, both of them off to be fans of a relationship that's not even intertwined. Sure, we kissed—and hell, I liked it— but that doesn't prove anything. Heeseung will still help me with Jake, he'll still tutor me, but I just want to see what Sunghoon has to offer, you know?

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