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The rest of January easily passes by with countless practices and songs that continue to be rewritten and replaced, covering other songs that make the group laugh. They seemed to regain more confidence as the month passed by, both in themselves and each other. It was interesting to see the lessening tension—especially for someone who's only seen tension.

Right now, it's the beginning week of February, Valentine's Day just~ around the corner. It's still freezing cold, but with someone's arms around me, the weather doesn't feel too bad.


"Iseul-ie~" Jungwon and I meet in the middle of the court, hugging each other in a slight giggle. I haven't seen him in a while, considering that he had to go back to his hometown for a while. I was simply the stand-in at practices for him. "How are you? I missed you~"

"I'm good~" I coo, patting his back.

"Ugh, can you both not do this here," Heeseung comments, crossing his arms. Jungwon looks up at Heeseung, sticking his tongue out.

"What, hyung?" He questions, letting go of me before his hands find their place on his hips. "Mad that I was hugging your girlfriend?"

"Yes, very," He answers truthfully, pulling me to the end of the court where one of the hoops were.

"Aim higher," He whispers effortlessly, bounce-passing the ball over to me. I nod slightly, shivering even with my giant coat on. Meeting here, all eight of us were trying to distract ourselves from the gig tomorrow, and I guess even at the dark of night, they want to go play basketball. Heeseung's trying to teach me, but I have no idea how to play sports.

I'm hopeless.

So, I throw once more, missing again. I groan and hold my head, faking a temper tantrum as Sunoo laughs at me. I glare at him, pointing at him. "You can't play basketball either, Sunoo!"

"Don't attack me for your useless attempt of throwing a ball," He fights back, making me roll my eyes. "Try it! Try rolling your eyes again! I still haven't hit you from the day you came to Suwon!" Finally, he starts to run at me, making me squeal as I run away from him.

We run around the court, Sunoo laughing as he keeps threatening me with his fists. I dare not fight back to damage both my beautiful face but also his, so as I take a misstep, I trip. Rolling slightly, I groan, splayed across the floor.

Everything is silent for a second—so I thought I fainted. However, because of their light synchronization, they were all just delayed at the surprise event.

"Iseul!" They all gasp—and I hear rapid footsteps making their way towards me. Just when I thought it would be Heeseung, Jake towers over me, gasping with his eyebrows knitted. "Iseul, are you okay? That was a dangerous fall!"

"I'm... okay," I chuckle awkwardly, sitting up. Rubbing my forehead to take a secretive glance to find Heeseung, I only see him a few steps away from the group, heaving as he's hesitant to enter forward. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Jake helps me up, patting my shoulder slightly. "Do you need anything? You look like you have a scrape on your elbow."

"No, I'm seriously—"

However, I can't avoid Jake's light care, The boy pulling out a band-aid from his pocket and opening it. He mumbles for me to stay still—and so, when I glance to Heeseung, he can't even meet my gaze. Is he jealous?

Jake puts it on my elbow, knocking on my head softly. I frown, looking his way. "Be careful next time," He whispers, smiling slightly before walking away. I wonder what his problem is. Hmph.

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