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Now, I think I should update you—I'm standing in between my family and Heeseung. Of course, they have no worries about me—maybe just because he climbed through my window, they didn't like him. (Or him being on top of me as father entered the room.)

Anyway, Heeseung is kneeling, hands on his thighs as he stares at the ground. I feel apologetic as Soo-Ri, father, and mother (in that order) all sit up on the couch, crossed arms as they inspect the poor boy. I tried to intervene when father decided to embarrass him in front of Soo-Ri and mother—but I think I made it worse.

"So... you're Lee Heeseung?" Soo-Ri leans forward, giggling to herself. She tries to stifle her smile behind her hands, laughing dramatically. "What a dramatic greeting—considering you climbed through my sister's window."

"Jae Soo-Ri," I warn, pointing at her.

"I'm not the one who will be evaluating him—I mean, I like him already!" Soo-Ri grins, causing Heeseung to bow towards her slightly. "Mom and Dad will be the ones evaluating him, so I'd like to see this plan out."

"Lee Heeseung..." Dad says his name like it's derogatory, soon glimpsing over at me. He stares at me before he points at me in fury, mouthing things to me.

'Why did you let him in the window?!'

'I didn't know he'd be coming, even better, where I lived!'

'I thought you said you both were against each other right now?!'

'Dad, we fixed things the day you went to the bakery!'

'And you didn't tell me!?'

'You didn't ask, I—'

"I think that's enough spiritual talking while the boy is here," Mom interrupts, causing Heeseung to look over at me. Glimpsing at him, I awkwardly smile, pretending nothing has happened. "Put your head up, son, you're not in trouble—at least, with me." She smiles at him as he looks up, guilt on his face.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Father rolls his eyes, letting go only for his wife. "Do you have a good explanation as to why you caused my daughter such pain?"

"Dad, don't talk about that—"

"I'm sorry for ever causing your daughter pain—in fact, I've never wanted to, considering that I care lots about her because she does the same," Heeseung intervenes, answering. "All I've ever wanted to do was make her happy—as both an acquaintance and a friend. She means a lot to me and our friends, so I don't want to lose her as one. I've already apologized to her, but since you're her family, I should apologize to you too."

He bows, a straight face. Father is highly amused as Soo-Ri raises an eyebrow, watching as mom grins softly. Heeseung looks over at me—as if he's asking me for forgiveness as well. I nod slightly in approval, smiling at him. He grins back, sighing in relief.

"I approve of your apology—but I have one last question," Dad adds, crossing his arms. Heeseung easily nods, leaning forward. "Why were you on top of my daughter just a few minutes ago? Do you have ill intentions?"

"Dad! It's not like that, I—"

"I didn't ask you to answer, I asked him!" Dad interrupts, pointing at me. "I know you'd defend him—considering you like this boy!"

"Dad, shut up!" I point back, vexation occurring. "It's not like that I told you this already!"

"Let him answer already, you two!" Mom scoffs, crossing her arms. Finally, it's silent.

"None of that sort, no!" Heeseung denies when the silence is clear, shaking his head. "We were simply fighting over her book—and I accidentally fell on her. I already apologized to her about that too. I have no ill intentions with your daughter, only nice ones."

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