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It's... what... Midnight? Yeah. Heeseung lays beside me with his eyes closed, probably dead asleep. So, as I stay restless in my pajamas, I go out with my phone to my room balcony, softly sliding the door behind me closed. Taking a seat, I huddle my knees to myself, turning on my phone.

Going to missed calls, I see one from Mom. So, I answer, putting the call on speaker because I'm unbothered to hold it up to my ear. (Also too lazy.)

"Oh, dear! You finally answered," Mom says relieved, clapping her hands together as I hear dad's inaudible calling from the background. "How was graduation? I'm sorry we couldn't come, your father and I had to work late, and there was no space for us to come to—"

"Mom, can I ask you a question?" I interrupt, biting my bottom lip. "And please be honest."

"Yes, of course. Ask away."

"Do you always... dodge my graduation?" I ask, hearing silence on the other end. Even dad has gone quiet.

"Um... not on purpose, no," She whispers, dad's words causing her to stop short. Suddenly, the phone is given to dad, so I listen in.

"Yeah, it's not on purpose, honey," Dad answers, clearing his throat. "These days, your mother and I have to also pay for your tuition, so for us living in this house, it's quite hard to keep both of them high in the sky, you know? We don't really want you to worry, so we've never told you about it."

I can't even say anything before the phone is switched back to mom, the girl smiling softly. "Did you at least take some graduation photos with your sister, your boyfriend, friends?"

I gulp, trying to smile though she'd never been able to see it. "Yeah... yeah, I did," I whisper, lying to them. "You should go to sleep soon, and so should I—I just wanted to call and make sure something didn't happen."

"Of course, love, enjoy yourself and your new life!" Mom cheers, laughing.

"Bye, Iseul," Dad says shortly as I hear some shuffling, causing me to nod. "Keep us updated, and don't forget to visit."

"I won't," I choke on my words, looking away from the phone. "Bye, mom and dad."

"Bye~" They end the call for me as I sigh, placing my phone on the side table. I don't feel like crying anymore, just kind of... iffy. I'm tired, but can't shut my eyes and go to sleep. I'm stiff, but a part of me wants to scream.

There were so many emotions, but I couldn't name them all. I feel horrible.

Juyeong's advice would do me great right now, and I keep thinking of her. How is she?

I swear I saw her at graduation, but maybe I'm wrong.

What would her advice even sound like these days?

"You're awake, it seems," I hear, causing me to turn my head. Heeseung has his hands shoved in his pockets, but as I face him, one comes out to hold mine. "Are you feeling restless? Can't sleep?"

"Yeah," I say shortly, grabbing his hand. "Sorry for waking you. I was calling my parents."

"Let's go inside, it's kind of windy," He mentions, making me nod. He pulls me up, ushering me inside as he closes the balcony door behind us. Falling to the bed, his arms wrapped closely around me, his head on my chest.

I stroke his hair, licking my lips as I stare at the ceiling.



"Why did you... not tell anyone about your graduation?"

"Because it was also your graduation, duh," I chuckle, brushing down his hair. "I'd feel bad if half of the band didn't come to your graduation. It was fine with me, I had a friend watch me as we both graduated. I've moved on from it, even if I actually didn't get to take any graduation photos."

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