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We sit together in the coffee shop, fiddling with our fingers. I try to keep my mouth shut, but I start to groan. I couldn't take this silence much longer. 

And I've decided to cut it short—and started to talk. "Heeseung—"

"Iseul—" Oh, now this is quite the problem.

"You um... go first," I say, making him nod awkwardly.

"Oh well—I just wanted to um... ask! Ask how you've been doing—are you feeling better these days? Are you sick? Did I... do something wrong? If so, I'm sorry," His questions squeeze my heart as I blink, keeping eye contact with him. "Listen, I know we aren't on the same page sometimes, but—"

He hesitates, biting his lip. "—But I missed you, even if it's only been two days. I— I still want to be your friend, even when I made several mistakes." I blink again before looking down at my bracelet, fiddling with it.


"I missed you too," I whisper, chuckling to myself before rubbing my forehead. "Honestly—I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have overreacted and caused you all pain. I guess I just needed to escape from it all."

"No, it's okay, I understand," He sighs in relief, intertwining his hands together. "I'm glad you're okay."

"That simple text 'be safe' didn't say so," I say in a frown, crossing my arms with a 'humph!' "If you cared, I'd at least get something better."

"Well, I didn't know if you still wanted to talk to me—oh, come on Iseul!" He whines desperately, leaning forward. I spare him a glance as he's spun around my finger, our coffees getting here. I mumble a thank you to the barista, taking a quick sip of my iced coffee.

That's some good stuff.

"Oh, while you're here, I have something for you," Heeseung's eyes sparkle as I go into my bag, reaching for the sweater—but then, I hesitate. With a smirk back on my face, I face him again, his eyes eager. "Actually, I'll give it to you on New Year's eve."

"Wh— Jae Iseul!" He pouts, making me laugh. He sips on his coffee as I see the frustration on his face—before I hear the people behind us talking about our little conversation.

"Look at that cute couple. He's so in love with her."

"Can't you see? She loves him too. Gosh, I want to have a relationship like those two."

"They must be in college—it's so cute they're celebrating New Year's together." 

I try to hold back my smile as I bite my straw, my cheeks flushing red. 

No, no.




Gosh, we should really stop reassuring ourselves we're into him—right? He still owns my heart, but not much of it. 

"What are you smiling about?" Heeseung clears my mind, making me switch gazes to him.

"Oh, nothing," I cheekily respond, eyes narrowing. "What are you going to be doing for New Years'? Any plans with your family?"

"Probably will just hang out with my older brother these days— but since you're around, it seems we will be getting closer, hm?" He winks at me, causing me to drop my gaze to the window. "Shy, huh?"

"Stop," I whisper, kicking him under the table. He snickers, sipping on his drink. "You're so embarrassing."

"At least you like how I act in public, hm?"

"Lee Heeseung!"

I yawn, sitting in bed as I read my old comics. It was refreshing to meet him yesterday, and since then, he's constantly been texted me and calling me. We've been laughing and giggling like idiots since yesterday afternoon. These romance books are a decade old, but I appreciate reading them as Heeseung bothers me about his brother.

"Jae Iseul!" Soo-Ri barges in, causing me to turn her way. She awkwardly scratches her nape, leaving the door wide open. "Ah, never mind. Dad said I can't tell you yet." Then she simply leaves, keeping the door open. I growl, throwing a plush at her. She yelps, glaring as she swirls back around me. "What!?"

"Close the door, will you?!" I yell, making her groan. She comes back in just to slam the door, leaving me in my beautiful, beautiful silence. I continue to read as I tousle and turn, getting antsy as the two leads are about to kiss.

"Oh my gosh, just two more inches and—" Someone knocks at my window, causing me to flinch. I growl—and you better hope it isn't Soo-Ri, or else I'm beating her up. I turn to the window, my eyes widening as I see a waving Heeseung. He's wearing a tracksuit—while I realize I'm in my pajamas with my hair in a ball.

I panic as I throw my book aside, running to the window. Opening the locks, I open the windows towards me, allowing Heeseung to lean forward. I quickly lean back, eyes grew as big as they could get. He suddenly hands me a bag, the steam rising from the top.

"Here's some dumplings—I asked Jay which ones he liked and hopefully you'd like the same," He smiles, tapping his fingers on my window frame as he admires my room. "Now, may I come in?"

"I—I guess? Just be quiet, okay?" I question, sighing. "My parents are in the living room, cooking dinner." He nods in agreement as I move out the way. He steps in, dusting off his tracksuit as he looks around.

"Gosh, you have a nice room—I can't even keep myself together. What more, a room..."

"My room is just awfully bright—that's why everything looks better than it actually is," I reply, laying back down on my bed. He joins me, hands on his stomach. "Before you ask, I'm reading an old romance comic."

"Is it good? Can I see?"

"No, I'm trying to refresh my memory," I say, rolling my eyes. "This book will soon turn to dust if I don't read it. Take another one from the shelf."

"Aw, but I want the one you're so interested in!" He exclaims, grabbing the top. "Hand it over."

"Why, you—!" We sit up, having a tug-o-war with my comic book. I try not to tug too hard so it rips, but when all I want to do is enjoy my evening and this pettiness comes along, I will pull harder.

"I have a question for you, Heeseung!" I tug.

He smirks, leaning forward. "What is it, Jae Iseul?"

"Did you... tell me all of your secrets on purpose so I'd share your burden? Or is this still an accident to you?" 

Suddenly, Heeseung stops tugging—so when I pull as hard as I could, he comes tackling down on me, arms on the outer of my body as his lips are centimeters away from mine. I wince, seeing his nose touch mine.

"Hee— Heeseung?"

"Iseul, I'm so sorry, I—"

"Wh- What are you doing on my daughter!?" Father barges into the room as I panic, pushing Heeseung off of me. "Wh- Who is this!?"

So, as Heeseung and I look at each other in panic, things were about to get worse—

He'd be meeting my family for the first time—and after all the gossip, I don't think he'll enjoy it.

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