MP-TJ. #48. The Part Two

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I am deeply and truly sorry for the late update. Sorry for the typos!


I quietly sat infront of his grave. Like what I did a while ago, I placed the small bouquet of flowers beside the name plate and lighted a pair of candles.

"Hey..." I really don't know what to say. 

I stared at the grave for a few minutes and sighed.

"I just- I just wanted to say... I'm sorry." I started as I slumped my shoulders.

"I really hadn't attended you're funeral because Kathy needed me and because I can't really face you right at that moment. I really disappointed you. I-I didn't save her. I didn't- I j-just stood there and w-watched... I-I'm sorry... I-I'm so s-sorry."

I said as I felt the warm fluid flow down my cheeks. 

"I k-know that I've broken my promise to you, but now, I'll do my best to take care of your princess, our princess. K-Kathy misses you so much." 

I sobbed and bowed my head as I knelt down. 

"When my mom died, both of the Sandovals became my parents because my Dad was so busy and disappointed to call me as his son. He was ashamed to call me his own. B-But they made me understand, they said losing the love of your life could send you into overdrive. It could drive you insane. It could make you do things that you never intended to do. I-I knew that now."

I wiped away my tears and faced the grave with all seriousness on my face.

"I'll do my best to protect our little princess. I'll do my best to be with her at all times. I'll do my best to not make her cry, to make her laugh all the time, I-I'll do my best to be the best-est father there is. I- I'm sorry for ever d-disappointing you. I'll make you proud. God knows how I missed you so much, your advices, your crazy jokes, your protective stance- everything, Dad. Thank you for everything, for fulfilling the space that was supposed to be filled by my father. Thank you for letting me experience what its like to have a dad... just, thank you.

Thank you for giving me Kassie, thank you for not giving up, thank you for fighting up until the very end... thank you and I'm s-sorry. When she wake up, with every ounce of respect, I promise you, I'll love her more than I ever did before. I'll protect your princess, my queen. I'll do everything for the both of them. I'll make things perfect once she wakes up."

I stood up and placed my hand on top of the grave where his name is placed. 

"'Til then Mr. Richard Sandoval. I'll visit you again, ypu can count on that... Dad."

With that, I placed my hands on my pocket and slowly walked away, doing everything I can not to look back. Because I know that if I do, the waterworks will just start sgain as well as the guilt.

And I swear I'm not gay- If you know what I mean.


Kathy's POV 

(Kathy is still small, so her point of view is a mix of both formal and... childish. For you to understand and still to keep that child innocence vibe that Kathy has.)

I woke up with my stomach making weird noices. I really wouldn't have minded it if it weren't for the monster pain that it brought after. I grasp my stomach while screaming out loud.

"DWAD! DW-DWADDY!" I kept on my grip on my stomach hoping it would lessen the pain as I screamed out loud.

A few moments later a nurse came inside of my room and I couldn't be anymore than grateful.

My Part-Time JobTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon