MP-TJ. #41.

911 22 2

To all my patient and amazing readers, this chapter is dedicated to you.

* * * * *

One week later...

"Mwom? Shtop cwa-ying. "

I looked up to see my daughter's sad eyes.

I let out another sob and ran to where she is.

"Who's tweating mwommy bad? Pwincess will pwotect ya!"

"Oh baby..." I hugged her as sniffed.

"M-mom-- M-mommy just had a b-bad dream..."

"But I huwd chu! Chu alwaysh cway mom... at night... befowe we sleep..."

I sighed and sniffed again.

"Mom- M-mommy is just... s-stressed out hun."

I felt her arms tighten around me more. My 3-year old daughter acts so mature. She got it from both Lance and me.

"C'mon baby, let's get you to bed." I said as I held her up.

"Awe you okay?" She looked at me with seriousness all over her eyes.

I smiled. "Yes, hun."

"Good." My smile brightened when she wrapped her arms around my neck, continuously repeating, "I wab you" just by my ear.

I went into her room and tucked her down to bed.

"Nighty-night mwom. I wab you."

I held back the tears that wants to come out. I had the best daughter in the world.

"I love you too, hun."

I switched the lights off of her room then hurriedly went to mine.

It's been a hell of a week. I'm so glad Toby isn't here. Otherwise he'll ask why my face is like a zombie.

And I still don't have an excuse for that.

Or I could use... 'I was watching a love story yesterday, I was crying up all night'. Who's love story? Mine and Lance's.

No. Major no-go.

And besides, I can't lie to him. He's like my brother-slash-bestfriend.

And that's where I knew everything.

I wanted them both- Lance and Toby.

The only thing was - I need Toby...

But not as much as how I needed Lance more.

I can't live without Lance. It pains me so much.

I don't even know where he is. I don't know where to start. It's like a ton of boulders have been falling to my shoulders, again.

And believe me- they're hard to carry.

* * * * *

I woke up to the sound of my phone.

I moaned when I felt my back hurting- I slept on the floor, again.

I did this for the past week- crying on the side of the bed, using my tiredness to sleep and to woke up on the floor.

I sat up and looked for my phone, it was its beeping sound that woke me up.

I reached for it on the nightstand and groaned when I saw that it's only 3:22 in the morning.

My Part-Time JobTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon