Chapter 1 - Sunrise

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The first thing y/n saw was blurry, orange sunlight, streaming through her window as she slowly opened her eyes. Yawning, she rolled over to the other side of her bed, closing her eyes again. Mmm.. sleep...


Y/n jumped up to a seating position, startled. She frantically looked around for the source of the sound; the Present Mic alarm clock on her nightstand. Her cheeky little cousin, Hana, had probably put it there last night. With an annoyed sigh, y/n went to turn it off. Whoever decided to make Present Mic alarm clocks is both a genius and an asshole. But wait... isn't today...


Y/n leapt out of bed and smashed the alarm, almost breaking it in excitement.

"I can't believe it's today!" Y/n thought to herself. She looked out of her window and saw that the sun was indeed rising, a smile slowly spreading over her face. 

Y/n decided that this was the most beautiful sunrise she'd ever seen in her life. Okay, well maybe it was on par with the one she saw on the holiday trip back when was eight. 

The warm memories of the trip flowed through y/n; playing with her parents on the empty beach. Dad chasing her on the sandy shore, picking her up and spinning her around while she laughed hysterically. Mom smiling and waving at both of them from the beach towel she lay on as y/n ran back to watch the summer sunrise that they had all woken up early to see. 

Y/n lying next to her Mom, who stroked her hair as she lay her head next to her round, protruding belly. Dad pointing up at the orange sky.

"Look, y/n! Do you see that?" Dad had said.

"Yeah! The sun is waking up!" An eight year old y/n happily declared.

"Yes, honey, it is. Now, do you know what it means when see a special sunrise like this?"

"What does it mean, Dad?" 

He grinned. "It represents a new beginning."


It had been her birthday surprise...

"Y/N! Are you up? Time for breakfast!" the voice of her aunt called out after a knock on the door before y/n could dwell on the past any longer.

"Yes! I'll be there in a few minutes!" Y/n called back. She quickly changed into her tracksuit and got ready for breakfast. 


In the kitchen, y/n's aunt was stacking plates on the breakfast-loaded table while her uncle, seated at the table, scrolled through his phone. Y/n's other cousin, Jun, was sitting at the table reading some comics with Hana, who upon seeing y/n started to sing out "U.A! U.A! U.A! YAY!" and sprinted over to jump up on her.

"Hey, kiddo!" y/n grinned, picking Hana up and spinning her around. "Woahh!" y/n fake groaned, "You're getting too heavy for meeeee!" she made a dramatic gesture and pretended to fall down to the floor, sprawling out her arms and legs as if she had fainted whilst gently dropping Hana to the floor. 

The little girl laughed at her and teasingly poked y/n's cheek.

"But heroes can lift anyone!!" Hana yelled with excitement, shaking y/n's floppy arms up and down as y/n stuck her tongue out, pretending to be dead. 

She suddenly opened her eyes wide and pulled herself up to seating, as if hearing what her cousin just said had brought her back to life.

"Of course!" y/n gasped. She grinned and turned around, offering Hana a piggyback. The little girl laughed and jumped onto her back. Y/n stood up and whooshed around the kitchen, holding onto her cousin's hands as Hana shrieked in laughter.

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