Chapter 11 - A Stroll

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"Y/n? ...Are you alright?" asked Todoroki, hand extended to a breathless y/n seated on the ground. Y/n started at him for a moment, her face turning pink. She shook her head a couple of times to wake herself up and out of her daze.

"Ah! Yeah, it's okay, it's okay, I'm all good!" y/n stuttered. She took his extended hand, butterflies erupting in her stomach as pulled her up with a firm grip. 

They stood there for a moment, y/n's hand in Todoroki's grip, before he quickly let go and turned his face to the side, a little flustered.

"Do you have any..?" Todoroki looked y/n up and down. Y/n looked down at her own clothes.

"Oh! No, it's fine. See? No dust!" y/n rambled nervously as she quickly dusted herself off. "Anyway, I'm sorry. This is the second time I've crashed into you this week. I really need to actually watch where I'm going!"

"No." Todoroki said firmly. "It wasn't your fault. From my angle I could have seen you a couple of meters before we...crashed." He motioned behind him, y/n peeking around to see a bench slightly behind the bush that wasn't visible before y/n had turned the corner. Todoroki looked back at y/n.

"I was the one who should have been paying attention." he said seriously. Y/n nodded her head with a sigh as if conceding.

"If you say so, um, Todoroki, it's all fine. I'm still alive." y/n joked. For some reason she found his seriousness kind of funny. 

He relaxed his shoulders a little and sighed. He was wearing some mint green sneakers, a blue denim shirt that was unbuttoned to show his white t-shirt underneath and black, slightly ripped jeans. A simple look, but it looked effortlessly good on him. 

Y/n gulped, the air between them becoming awkward again while they started at each other. His eyes felt intense, like they were looking into her soul or something....

"Um... So, were you waiting for anybody?" y/n asked nervously. Todoroki shook his head in reply.

"Oh. No, I was just sitting here." He looked up at the sky. "I watched the sunrise."

"The sunrise? Wow, you've been here a while then!" y/n said with surprise. "You were here alone?"

"Yeah." Todoroki shoved his hands in his pockets. "I... like the early morning. I find sunrises... calming." That made y/n smile.

"I like sunrises too." she said. "It's like... even though they're just the beginning of the day, I like to think that they represent new chances, or, new beginnings. Do you know what I mean?" 

Todoroki looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. His faced relaxed a little.

"I never thought about it that way." he admitted. Todoroki shifted his feet underneath him, almost as if pacing side to side. Then he took his hands out of his pockets and cleared his throat.

"So...are you going to meet up with somebody?" Todoroki asked y/n. She shook her head. "Oh. Well, anyway, there was something I wanted to talk to you about, y/n." 

She inhaled sharply in surprise. 

Todoroki wants to talk... with me? 

"...R-Really?" she replied, her heart beating faster by the minute. "Oh, um, sure! You know, I was just going for a little walk through the grounds. Why don't you, um, join me? And we can talk about what you wanted to talk about!" suddenly stuttered y/n. 

Todoroki raised an eyebrow at her, as if carefully considering what she had said. Y/n silently cringed at herself. 

That was so awkward.

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