Chapter 31 - Mission

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Y/n hung the hair dryer on the wall with a hefty sigh. She'd just finished taking a much-needed shower in the girl's bathrooms and had changed into some comfy leggings and a sweatshirt. She was still feeling a little guilty over the confrontation that Todoroki and her had put poor Midoriya through a couple of hours earlier.

After taking a few moments to process Todoroki's wild theory, which she still had no idea if it was true or not, he'd told her his plan; ask Midoriya to discretely obtain information about the heroes plans for the rescue from All Might during his 'secret' training session with the pro hero. Initially, she was opposed to the idea, because it would involve threatening Midoriya, a total sweetheart, with rumours about him if he didn't help them.

"Look, y/n." Todoroki had said with a sigh. "I also don't feel great using Midoriya like that. But we're running out of options for Hana..." Y/n gulped, realising that he had a point.

"... this feels really cruel, but... shit, I don't see any other way. God, if we make it out of this stuff, I will spend the rest of my life apologizing to him." she said after a while. Todoroki looked at her seriously and put his hands on his shoulders.

"We will make it out. With Hana." he assured. "Come on, let's go and find Midoriya."

The two of them eventually found Midoriya in the hallway and cornered the startled green-haired boy, explaining everything (minus the escape plan, of course) to him. 

"U-um,... guys, I'm not All Might's kid! Todoroki, I already explained-" he stuttered nervously, his face pale. 

"Don't deny it. We know you train with him." Todoroki said icily, in full interrogation mode.

"N-no! I-... B-but besides, I-I can't just... ask him to give me information like that!" Midoriya rambled nervously.

"Well... if people starting finding out that you're All Might's secret love child, maybe you could." Todoroki replied stone coldly, y/n surprised at this dark side of him. 

She turned to Midoriya, a sad, pleading expression on her face.

"You wouldn't have to ask All Might directly, of course." she suggested. "If you could maybe get him to slip up a detail or two if you asked him some related questions... I'd be really grateful" she sniffled. "Please, Midoriya... for Hana's sake." 

Midoriya had widened his eyes, overwhelmed, and stared at the floor for a few moments, muttering to himself. He looked back at y/n with a sympathetic yet unsure expression.

"...I don't have any younger family members, but... I can imagine how devastated you must be  feeling..." the green-haired boy gulped. He sighed and his eyes intensified, scanning y/n and Todoroki with a determined expression. "But... for Hana's sake... I'll try my best to get some information. But please... promise not to do anything rash...!" he clenched his fist.

Y/n smiled in relief and clenched her fist too, nodding in agreement. Todoroki uncrossed his arms and sighed.

"Okay. You have training later? Meet us right after." Todoroki instructed.

Y/n walked into the kitchen area on the ground floor. Midoriya was probably still training with All Might. She found Momo and a bunch of the girls around the kitchen preparing tea. They all gasped when she came in, surrounding her before she could greet them.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Mina exclaimed, tightly hugging a surprised y/n. Uraraka and Hagakure joined in, squishing y/n and consoling her with comforting words. 

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